Chapter 20

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Lauren POV

Thirty six hours. I cannot stop watching the clock hoping time would speed up so I can be with Camila.

Her mom has been taking her to school and picking her up. I don't know if this has to do with her finding out I'm who I am or if it's because Camila is grounded.

I thought about asking Camila in the hallways but I never see her even if I go out of my way. If it wasn't for her smiles and the blush on her cheeks she gets when we make eye contact at lunch I would think she is second guessing going on a date with me.

"Lauren!" A voice yells along with a smack on the desk.

I turn my head to the person to my left who happens to be Jade. "What?"

"I've been asking you for help with the last problem for a good five minutes." Jade states. "The only thing that has come out of your mouth is mumbles."

I glance at her paper and roll my eyes. "Seriously I'm not helping you with that."

"Damn grumpy. What is your problem?"

I lay my head on my arms as I keep looking in her directions. "I'm nervous as hell."


"Because I have a date with Camila tomorrow." I whisper.

Jade gets ready to say something but the bell rings and I get up and leave in a hurry. I try to rush down the halls to find Alexa but my arm got yanked back.


"If the date sucks you can come to my house." Jade speaks softly. "We could have some fun."

Now it's her who is walking off and I'm left standing there confused. What the hell was that all about?

As I stand there in confusion, a laugh brings me out if my thoughts. About ten feet away I see the beautiful brunette with Dinah.

I don't hesitate as I walk towards her. "Hey."

"Hey Lauser." Dinah smirks.

I roll my eyes and direct my attention to Camila who is standing there looking shy. "Are we still on for tomorrow?" 

"What's tomorrow?" Dinah questions.

"We are going on ..."

Camila cuts me off by slapping her hand over my mouth. "I'm helping Lauren with a literature paper."

My heart dropped. "Why? Lauren is extremely smart." Dinah questions the girl who lied.

"Well she wants to make sure it's perfect. Isn't that right?" Camila looks at me with pleading eyes.

I try to fake smile but the disappointment I feel is to overwhelming. "Yeah what she says. I'll see you guys later."

I guess I know where Camila and I stand. The rest of the school day blew. I didn't bother going to lunch. I didn't want to see Camila. I also didn't want to be around Jade.

At the moment the only thing that could make me feel any better is my other half.

"Catch me." I say as I fall into Alexa. "Please tell me you aren't busy."

Alexa wraps both her arms around me as her hands pet my hair as if I'm an animal as we walk to the parking lot. "I'm never busy when you need me."

I wrap my arms around her torso as we keep on walking. When we get to my jeep I notice Camila's mother waiting out there and she is eyeing Alexa and I as we are in our embrace.

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