Chapter 10

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Lauren POV

Currently I am on my back with pillows and blankets under me with no shirt on. Camila is sitting on my stomach fully dressed after she broke an intense make out session.

"Why did you stop?" I push my bottom lip out, acting dramatic as my chest is rising and falling.

Camila's fingers were running up and down my stomach. "One because it's getting extremely hot here, hence the reason you insisted on taking your shirt off. Two, it's been a week since we hung out with Ally and I feel like you haven't put any effort in trying to get closer with her."

I let my head fall back into the pillows. "I'm here shirtless with you sitting on my lap and you want to talk about Ally?"

Camila hops off my lap and pulls on my arms to sit me up. "Yes. I want you to be happy."

"Happy like Dylan is making you?" I couldn't help but shoot that at her.

Camila looks away from me and nods. "Yeah. I think you should write her something."

I reach for my shirt and throw it over my head. Camila can try to hide her face but I saw the small frown appear. "Okay what should I write to her?"

"Name something you like about her."

Well the problem is I don't like Ally like this. I stare at Camila and decide to use things I like about her but obviously say it's Ally. "I like her brown eyes."

"Go on... What do you like about them?"

"I like how they can be really light brown one second and change dark the next depending on what is going through her head. It's as if her mood alters with her eye color and it's sexy as hell."

Camila bites down on her lip and nods. "What about her smile?"

My eyes are glued on Camila's lips as she has her teeth digging in her bottom lip still. If I keep talking Camila will know I'm talking about her. I lean and push Camila down so she is on her back. "I don't want to talk about Ally."

"So kiss me babe."

I start leaning in. I brush my lips against hers a couple of times before pulling back. "Maybe next time."

"What the hell?" She is now the one pouting. "Did you just tease me?"

I stand up and extend my hand to help her. "A little bit. Don't worry, I will tease you more later."

"Why lat---"

I put my hand up for her to stop and point to her house. I count down and on cue. "Camila. You need to come inside."

Camila rolls her eyes. "We fell asleep out here once and now she wants to act like the police."

"I wouldn't say we exactly fell asleep..."

Camila punches my arm. "Shut it Lauren. I wasn't about to tell my mom we were out here making out all night."

I wrap my arms around her and snuggle my head into her shoulder. "Goodnight Camila."

"Goodnight Lauren."

After exchanging goodnights neither one of us seemed to want to let go so we didn't until her mom called for her again.

"I will see you in the morning." I give her a quick kiss before she goes down the slide. I go after and we go our separate ways.

The morning rolled around and Camila seemed to be in a good mood. "So I have this song stuck in my head and I need to listen to it because it's my jam of the week." Camila announces.

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