Chapter 18

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Lauren POV

Camila stuck to her work about having a surprise in my jeep. There on the seat was a baby tiger stuff animal and a bag of Reece's. She was even smart and put them in a cooler filled with ice so it wouldn't melt. We went the whole day without talking face to face though.

It is now Wednesday and I'm getting ready to head to school. I pray that Camila is at my jeep waiting but sigh when I hear Dinah outside honking. I know it's her without looking because she has Beyoncé blaring.

"Why do you look upset?" I turn my head to see my mom who is usually at work by now.

I walk into the kitchen to grab a water and something to eat on the way to school. "There is this girl..."

"Camila?" My mom cuts me off.

I give her a glare. "There is this girl who I fell for. I admitted it to her and she found something out about me that same night and told me she hated me. She apologized for what she said but it hurt really badly."

My mom's face lights up. "I knew you liked Camila!"

"Mom!" I scorn her. "I never said it was Camila. Can we get back to what I'm saying? I need motherly advice."

My mom takes a seat at the island. "What did you do to make this girl tell you she hates you?" It was hard not to notice her quotations around girl.

"There were these girls at her old school who bullied her... Over the summer I might have done things with two of them." This part is awkward and the shocked face she is giving me makes me want to run out. "Her best friend I guess saw me and told her. She flipped out and said those words. But I didn't know her then."

My mom nods and signals for me to sit down. "First off can we just stop acting like this girl is someone mysterious? I know it's Camila." I was annoyed but she is right. "Second off, do you need to be checked for STDs? Hooking up with random people Lauren, I thought we raised you better."

I smack my palm against my head. "Mom stop! I don't need checked out and let's not talk about my sex life. I clearly don't need advice with that."

"Lauren Michelle." She eyes me down. "I am capable of grounding you."

"Can you please give me advice so I'm not late for school?" I beg.

My mom takes my hand in hers. "It's up to you sweetie. How deep is the connection you share with her and are you willing to give that up over an overreaction?"

"Thanks." I stand up and give her a hug.

She might not have told me exactly what to do but she gave me something to think about and in a way gave me two path to choose. Now it's up to me on which one I take.

I grab my bag by the stairs and get into my vehicle. My eyes go to the passenger seat where there is a cd with writing on it.

There is only one song on here. Take a listen. There is a note under the CD. Don't read it until you listen to the song. I explain the reasoning behind the song... xoxo -Camila

I back out of the driveway as I pull the CD out and put it in. I turn the volume up as I listen to the words.

One Direction soon fills my jeep speakers.

Counted all my mistakes and there's only one Standing out from the list of the things I've done All the rest of my crimes don't come close To the look on your face when I let you go

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