Chapter 13

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Lauren POV

"Why do you look so gloomy?" I ask Camila as we get in my vehicle to head off to school.

She buckles her seatbelt and slams her head on the headrest. "My parents are making me watch Sofia all weekend."

"So no date?"

She nods. "No date. I know we weren't going until tomorrow but they will be out of town all weekend. I'm so sorry." She gives me the saddest smile.

I was a little disappointed but it wasn't the end of the world. There are other weekends right? "It's okay."

"Do you think Dylan will be mad?"

I wanted to laugh. Who cares if he is mad? "Did you guys have plans tonight?"

"Yeah. He was going to introduce me to his parents." Camila says it casually. "We were supposed to have dinner at 7."

Camila confuses me a lot when it comes to Dylan. Why does she insist we kiss and be touchy when we aren't practicing if she is inches away from being exclusive with Dylan? "It sounds like you two are getting serious all of a sudden. A big change considering last week your date was basically a stop and go."

Camila frowns at my comment but it's the truth. "Isn't the point of me talking to him is to get serious?"

"Okay." I didn't answer her question. "I can watch Sofia for you."

"You don't have to do that."

I roll my eyes. "I wouldn't want to stand in the way of true love. At least you will get to go on one of your dates this weekend."

Camila reaches out for my hand but I put it on the steering wheel. "Can't we just reschedule?"

"I guess so." I can feel her eyes burning a hole in my head. "What time should I be there for Sofia?"

"6:30." For someone saying I didn't need to do that she didn't waste a breath to answer. "I can pay you."

"No need." I rest my left arm on the door and rest my head in it as I drive.

I get ready to get out of my jeep when we get to school but Camila stops me. "You seem upset. You know you aren't good at hiding it, not with me."

"I have things on my mind." I tell her truthfully. "We should get going."

I open my door and get out. I take my softball bag to the locker room. Once I get it in my locker I slide my back against the metal and go to the ground. I bring my knees to my chest and run my hands through my hair.

"Everything okay?" Alexa comes over and takes a seat beside me.

I turn my head and look at her. "You are right." Those were the only words I had to say for her to know what I was talking about.

"You need to tell her." Alexa whispers as she holds on to me. "It will make you feel better."

She is right. I hate to admit it but she is right. "Should I do it now or wait?"

Alexa gasp and I swear her jaw was about to fall off. "Are you seriously going to take my advice for once?"

"Yes now tell me what I should do." I demand. "She has a dinner date with Dylan's family tonight and I'm babysitting Sofia for her."

"Tell her when she gets home." Alexa says. "You should go out of your way today though to make her feel special so when she is on the date she is only thinking about you."

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