Chapter 15

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Camila POV

My eyes are squeezed shut as my head is tilted back as my neck is getting special treatment.

"Mmm." I moan as I enjoy the pleasure. "That feels amazing... Lo."

"Lower?" A deep voice speaks up and my eyes shoot open.

My eyes meet brown ones as Dylan is smirking. His hands start traveling down my stomach. "No!" I grab his hands and pull away. "Not lower."

My heart is speeding like crazy as I sit back in my seat of Dylan's jeep. I did not just moan out for Lauren while I was with my boyfriend.  Thank god he thought I meant lower. "Don't be so hot and cold Camila." Dylan says with an annoyed voice. "You got me hard and you stopping me isn't cool."

My eyes pop out. "Hard?"

"A boner!" He basically shouts. "What the hell are you Camila a virgin?"

Why is being such a dick? I glance at my phone and pretend like it's ringing so I can get away from him. "I have to go in. I'll see you at school."

I jump out and run to my house not looking back once. I get in and know I am home alone. My parents took my little sister out to dinner since I was with Dylan. I feel tears are threatening my eyes as I think about what happen. Dylan was a complete ass and I was thinking of someone else while I was with him.

Camila: are you home?

Lauren: I'm on my way home. What's up?

Camila: :(

I couldn't put into words what I needed but I didn't need to.

Lauren: I'll be over in a second. Treehouse?

Camila: yes

My parents and sister could come home at any time so if I want to talk in private the treehouse is the best bet. I walk to the back and go up to wait.

I lay down on the pillows running a million things through my head. When I hear a door shut, I sit up. It wasn't long before a head pops through the floor.

"Hey." Lauren gets in and sends me a warm smile.

I try to give her a smile back but it falters. "If you are busy or have other things to do you don't have to be in here."

Lauren comes over and takes a seat beside me. "If I wanted to be somewhere else I would be. I was already on my way home."

"What were you up too?" Lauren starts snickering and that's when I look into her eyes. "Lauren you are stoned aren't you?"

Her eyes are barely open and they are red. "You guessed it! You were right."

I shake my head wanting to laugh but couldn't. "So what effects does being high have?" I question. "Because I need to tell you something and in a way I'm hoping you forget by the time you wake up. Is this like being drunk when you won't remember things?"

Lauren tilts her head as she zones in on me. "Exactly. What is it you want to tell me Cabello?"

If she won't remember it should be okay telling her. "When Dylan was kissing on my neck I might have moaned..."

"I don't want to hear about this." She says highly irritated.

"Let me finish would you?" I take a deep breath. "I moaned out Lo. He thought I meant lower but I meant... You."

Lauren looks at me surprised. "I don't know if I should feel good or offended."

"Do you know why I moaned out your name?"

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