Chapter 19

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Lauren POV

I haven't seen or heard from Camila since Wednesday and all I can do is feel guilty. She took the blame for me. I feel like a coward. I was scared of getting in trouble from my parents. If my friends heard that, they would tease me for at least a month. Camila probably thinks less of me for not stepping up. If I did, maybe we would have been in school suspension together and we could have talked and maybe worked things out.

Of course that didn't happen and I haven't seen a glimpse of the girl since her mom picked her up at school. It's not Friday and I'm staying in since I'm going to Alexa's party tomorrow.

I sit at my window and open up the blinds I had shut and the curtains. I laugh to myself thinking how pathetic I was for doing that. I guess things happen when you feel hurt by someone. I open up the book that Camila recommended me to read.

I got through two and half chapters when I heard a door opening. I look out my window and towards the Cabello's driveway. I see Sinu and Camila's dad get into the car with Sofi. I don't believe I saw Camila, but I could be wrong. When the car backs out of the driveway I turn my attention to Camila's window.

The light in her room shuts off which means she is home.

I jump to my feet and throw a hoodie on. This is my chance to see her. I exit my house and scurry my way over. My hand grabs the door handle and I turn it. I did a celebratory fist pump in the air when the door wasn't locked.

I tiptoe up the stairs and laugh on the inside thinking how the younger girl is going to react.

I walk over to her door but stop when I hear... Moans? My body heats up as thoughts go through my mind on what is happening on the other side of the door.

I push her halfway closed door open quietly. Her room is dark and I can't tell if she notices I am in here.

"Camila." I whisper as I approach the bed. She jolts up and falls out of her bed in a split second. I go to her wall to flip the light on and snicker at the girl on the ground. "Careful Cabello."

"Lauren what the hell are you doing here?" Camila scrambles to her feet.

I eye the girl up and down as I smirk. "What were you doing? I heard this interesting sound on the other side of the door." I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

Camila walks over and smacks me in the arm. "Calm yourself down Lauren. I wasn't doing what you thought. I'm assuming you heard me go 'mmmm' because I was comfortable. I haven't been sleeping well and I have a knot in my back so I'm sorry I expressed myself out loud when I was comfortable. I thought I was alone."

I roll my eyes playfully not sure if I should believe her story. "Take your shirt off."

"Excuse me?" She says startled. "What are you even doing here? If my parents come home I'll be in a lot of trouble."

I roll my eyes as I grip the bottom of her shirt. "Don't worry so much. As what I can see you are already in trouble." I lift up on her shirt and pull it over her head. The girl in front of me didn't even try to stop me. Our eyes meet and my heart start racing.  God I miss those brown eyes. "Lay on the bed and let me try to work that knot out."

Camila does as I instruct but she doesn't keep her mouth shut. "Isn't this a little strange considering all of the things that have been going on with us and nothing has been worked out."

"Strange, no. Tempting to jump you, definitely." I tease. "We can talk now since we are alone."

I rub circles into her back where she says it hurts the most. "Okay you start the conversation."

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