Chapter 3

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Camila POV

I wake up and have a panic attack when I see the time. I should have been at the bus stop almost an hour ago and be on my way to school. I start running around my room in a frantic mode. I find a polo and throw it on and then I slide my skirt on. I run to the bathroom and brush my teeth and run a comb through my hair. I probably look like hell, but I don't have time to mess around. My mom is already gone taking Sofi and my dad is at work. My only hope is that my neighbor hasn't left yet.

Out the door I go and I run over to Lauren's. Running was a mistake because I ended up tripping over my feet and face planting. "Way to start the freaking day." I mumble to myself.

"Hey are you alright?" I closed my eyes wishing someone wasn't standing over me. Why must all my klutz moments have to be witnessed?

I get back on my feet and brush myself off. Luckily my shirt doesn't have grass stains on. The only thing hurt was the ego I barely have. "I'm fine." I look up and see Lauren gaze. Of course there is a smirk across her lips. "I hate to ask you this, but could I ride to school with you? I overslept my alarm clock and missed the bus."

Lauren makes a repulsed expression. "Why on earth would you take the bus? You have to be up for like an hour and a half for it to pick you up in this neighborhood."

I am well aware of that reason. Hence the reason I'm late. At least on the first day of school my parents took me because I was new. "I don't have a car and my parents are gone so I have no other options besides the bus."

Lauren motions her head towards her vehicle. "Now you do. I can give you a ride. It's not like I'm not going there anyways."

I walk through the grass being careful I don't fall again. "Thanks Lauren. This can be a one time thing. I'll just have to set extra alarms to wake myself up."

Lauren stops walking and turns to me. "Camila there is no point in waking up early to catch a bus. You know how hot it is in Miami so think about a crowded bus mixing with the heat." Thinking about it makes me want to gag. All the body sweat and no air flow. "Really it's no big deal for you to ride with me. It will give me company when Alexa has her car back like she does now."

I want to fight her and tell her that she doesn't have to do this, but I think that might result in a punch being thrown at me. "Alright, thank you. I really do appreciate it. I can give you gas money if you would like."

"No, I don't need your gas money." She laughs and pats my arm. "Like I said I'm going there anyways and you live right by me."

I nod and follow her as we both get in her vehicle. "So is this what time you usually leave at?"

"Yeah. If I ever have to go to school early I will let you know." She backs out of the driveway and hands me her phone. "You should put your number in there."

I take her phone out of her hand. "Is this how you get all your girls and guys' numbers? Am I witnessing the Lauren Jauregui charm?"

Lauren shakes her head. "You act like you know me Cabello."

"How so?"

"You seem to think so because I said I like to have fun with people that I am constantly trying to get people to hook up with. It's not like that." She explains and I can tell through her voice she is getting a little defensive.

I think hard about my response so I don't put a foot in my mouth. "Well you have an alluring personality and not to mention you are crazy beautiful so I guess I assume that you would have a lot of options." I hit myself in the head realizing the end sounded bad. "What I am trying to say is when I saw you making out with that girl in your room I guess I got the impression that sort of thing happens a lot." Nope still didn't sound any better.

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