Chapter 8

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“Are you really going too?” Zayn asked with a raised eyebrow. “You’re going to take him out instead of going to my party?” He asked in disbelief. Zayn was Harry’s best friend ever since they had been in diapers. Harry smiled and nodded as he took a sip of his drink. “Yeah. I’m gonna take him out tonight and ask him if he would want to give us another chance.” He admitted, a hopeful smile on his face. 

Things had been going great with him and Louis. They were getting closer than ever and it made Harry realize that he missed being with Louis. Realized just how big of a mistake he made by ever leaving when Louis told him he was pregnant. 

“Whatever mate. Your loss. But do you really think he would take you back after you accused him of all the things you did? Just because he’s pregnant with your baby doesn’t mean that you have to be together.” Harry’s smile faded as he glanced over at Zayn, sighing softly. “We’re not going to jump right back into the same relationship we were in a few months ago. But, I just want something. Something that we can start on. I want Jackson to have two parents, instead of one.” 

Zayn sighed as he stood up, glancing down at the watch. “Best of luck Haz, but I gotta go. Perrie will be waiting for me.” Harry smiled slightly as he stood up, hugging him gently. “Thanks Z.” Zayn rolled his eyes and pinched his side. “Alright, I know I’m the best friend ever, but come on now.” 

Harry laughed and pulled back, shaking his head fondly as he watched Zayn leave. He pulled his phone out, deciding to text Louis just to make sure he was alright. Louis was with Liam for the day, doing some extra shopping for Jackson. Not that he needed it, but Louis wanted to get out.

Having fun? Be safe and I’ll see you soon.xx’ 


Louis giggled as he watched Liam search throughout the baby store, trying to find something that little Jackson didn’t already have. “Li, I’m telling you. He has everything already.” He hummed, leaning against wall, rubbing over his stomach mindlessly. Louis had a bad habit of that. 

Liam huffed as he walked over to him, crossing his arms over his chest. “He couldn’t have.” “He did!” Louis laughed, pulling his phone out of his pocket when he felt it vibrate. He smiled at the message, humming softly to himself. 

Yes sir, everything is good here. You?’

Liam raised an eyebrow as he glanced over at Louis. “That the almighty god himself?” He scoffed, rolling his eyes. Liam genuinely hated Harry. Harry absolutely broke his best friend and he was 100% against Louis having anything to do with Harry. You couldn’t blame him for being so protective. 

Louis huffed, smacking his chest. “Be nice please. He’s being wonderful to both me and Jackson.” He defended, his phone vibrating in his hands once again. 

‘But you would have more fun if I was there right?xx’

It Is What It Is (Larry Stylinson Mpreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now