Chapter 15

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Harry should be happy he was now a free man. He was on his way home. But being happy was the absolute last thing on his mind. 

“Harry, what are you thinking about?” Gemma asked warily, knowing how Harry had such a short temper. 

Harry glanced over at her, his jaw clenched. “I’m thinking that I’m gonna do something I’ll regret.” He murmured honestly, looking over at her. 

Gemma sighed, shaking her head as she squeezed the steering wheel. “You know that’s not going to help anyone out. Jackson and Louis need you.”

“No, they have Liam.” Harry spat, crossing his arms over his chest, tears filling his eyes.

It just wasn’t fair. That was his baby. Not Liam’s. Harry should be the one doing all the shopping with Louis, not Liam. 

“Harry..” Gemma sighed, but she knew she had no place to tell him everything was going to be okay because she didn’t see how things were gonna play out. 

If Louis left Liam, he would press charges against Harry. But if Louis didn’t leave Liam, Harry could be a free man. 

Gemma knew it wasn’t fair to Harry whatsoever. Liam was completely in the wrong and also the biggest dick in the world. 

Harry shook his head as he covered his face with his hands, puffing out his cheeks. “I want my family.” He whispered brokenly, closing his eyes. 

Just when he thinks things in his life are going to work out, something (or someone) always has to come in and screw everything up.

Gemma frowned even deeper as she pulled into his house, leaning back against the seat. “I know you do. And it’ll happen alright? Just…give me time. I-I’l think of something..” She said softly, reaching over and cupping his face gently. 

“I promise, we will get you your family back, alright?” Gemma said honestly, thumbing away his tears. 

Harry looked at her and nodded, pursing his lips together. “I love you.” 

Gemma smiled and poked his dimple with her thumb. “Love you too baby bro.”


Louis had his arms crossed over his stomach protectively as he walked alongside Liam throughout the mall. He hated this. But he hated Liam much more at the moment. 

“Babe, innit this cute?” Liam cooed, grinning as he held up a blue and white striped onesie with the ‘Daddy’s Little Man’ and matching booties. “This should be his coming home outfit.” 

Louis looked up at the outfit and nodded slightly before he shook his head. “Yeah, it’s cute and all but Harry and I already decided on his coming home outfit.” He mumbled. 

Liam sighed as he looked over at him, shaking his head. “No. Harry is not here anymore. He doesn’t matter. He is practically dead to us. You know this was part of the deal.” He whispered, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at him. “That punk might be the sperm donor, but that’s it. That boy is mine.” 

Louis’ eyes widened and he could only nod in submission because if he didn’t, Liam would turn Harry in for a crime he did not commit. It just really sucked all the way around. 

Liam smiled as he kissed his cheek, smiling softly. “Let’s get ready for our little Greyson.” He whispered. 

Louis hated that name but Liam claimed that Jackson was tied to Harry and as far as he was concerned, they were finished with Harry. 

Liam furrowed his eyebrows when his phone rang and he smiled when he saw it was Niall, answering it quickly. “Oh hey mate! Yeah, things are going great! Lou and I are just getting ready for Greyson.” 

Niall furrowed his eyebrows because he was completely confused. “Greyson? I thought his name was Jackson?” 

Liam scoffed as he turned around, looking through a rack of onesies. “Harry is history. We are getting ready for the arrival of our son.” 

“Mate, you feeling alright?” Niall asked curiously, not understanding a word that was coming out of his mouth. 

“I’m great! I’m so excited to be a dad!” Liam chirped, grinning as he picked out a few more onesies. 

Louis glanced up shyly as he heard Liam speak, his eyes widening slightly. 

That was it. This was his only way out. 


Liam and Niall were best friends and best friends tell each other everything, right? 

If Louis can somehow get Niall to wear a microphone or something and they capture Liam confessing that Harry didn’t do it? 

Louis would be free to raise Jackson with Harry. Like things are supposed to be. 

(Kinda a filler, but I have to go to my sister’s band recital and I didn’t wanna leave you all hanging! Oh! And check out this story called 'Dusk'! My friend, delourryum, and I wrote this together! I'll post the link here: Hope you enjoyed! Vote, Comment and Follow! This book is so much fun to write! Thanks!!(: )

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