Chapter 11

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A month passed and Harry was yet to wake up. The occasional flick of the finger, but nothing too major. Louis was growing more by the day, Little Jackson becoming more and more active. He hardly ever did leave Harry’s bedside. The only time Louis ever did leave was when Gemma had to physically force him out. But that was only for him to take a quick shower or change clothes. 

Today was Louis’ seven month check up and he had absolutely refused to leave Harry’s bedside. “No. I’m not having an ultrasound done without Harry being there. So if they can’t do it in here, I’m not having one.” Louis said stubbornly, his arms crossed over his chest. 

Gemma looked over at him with a raised eyebrow. “Would Harry really want you to do that?” She questioned. 

Louis scowled as he looked over at her, standing up slowly. “I hate when you do that.” He grumbled, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to Harry’s cheek, pushing his hair off his forehead. 

Gemma grinned victoriously. “You love me!” She cooed, reaching over and pinching his cheeks. The two had formed a brother-sister like relationship over the past month. 

Louis groaned and swatted at her hands with a small smile. “Sadly.” He hummed with a small laugh before he turned around, going to walk out of the room. But they were greeted with an unwanted face. 

“Liam, I do not want to speak to you and you are not allowed a foot in his room.” Louis grumbled, placing his hand over his stomach protectively. 

Liam opened his lips to speak before the police officer spoke up from behind him. “Actually we are here to place Mr.Styles in handcuffs so he won’t escape when he wakes up. He’s going to be charged with assault.” 

Louis’ eyes widened and his jaw went slack. “Assault?!?” He screeched, shaking his head quickly. “Harry didn’t do anything! Liam pushed him and he hit his head, hence the reason he’s like he is right now! You can’t arrest him! He didn’t do anything wrong!” Louis rambled off, looking over at his now ex-best friend in utter disbelief. 

Liam swallowed thickly, looking down at his feet, scratching the back of his neck. “Mr.Payne claims that you came over to his house the night before this incident because Mr.Styles forced himself onto you?” 

“He didn’t! He came home drunk and he tried to force himself on me, but he didn’t get anywhere! H-He stopped and went upstairs to sleep!” Louis whimpered before turning to face Liam. “You tell them the truth!” 

Liam stayed quiet, sighing out quietly. The police officer sighed and went into Harry’s room. “With his record, it’s not hard to believe that he would try something like this.” He said softly, handcuffing Harry’s hand to the hospital bed. 

Louis shook his head quickly, following behind him. “I’m pregnant with his son! H-He’s getting better! He didn’t rape me! That’s a bunch of shit!” The police officer just sighed and shook his head. “You’ll have to tell that in court.” He said quietly before he left the room. 

Louis had hot, angry tears streaming down his face as he stomped out of Harry’s room, going towards Liam. “How could you! You twisted my words! For what?!? Your own gain?! To save your own ass because you know as much as I do that you are the one who attacked him!” He shouted, Gemma wrapping her arm around his waist. 

It Is What It Is (Larry Stylinson Mpreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now