Chapter 7

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"Louis! Come on! We're gonna be late!" Harry called out as he grabbed his jacket, slipping it on as he grabbed his keys. The two had lived together for a month now and things were going amazing. They were actually getting along great and Harry was just really happy. They now shared the same bed, which Louis claimed was because the guest room was too cold and he couldn't stay warm. It didn't matter to Harry.

Louis came down the stairs in a rush, his eyes wide and his hair a mess. "What the bloody hell are you talking about? We still have two hours before the appointment." He breathed, putting the beanie on his head because he just didn't give a flying fuck about his looks. Louis was pregnant so he had an excuse to be lazy.

Harry rolled his eyes fondly as he opened the door for him. "We can't go to an appointment with you on an empty tummy. Now c'mon."

Louis blushed and rolled his eyes as he followed behind Harry, smiling softly. "Thank you Haz." He murmured, holding his tummy carefully as they walked towards the car.

This appointment was special. Not only was it the first time Harry came along with him, but it was the first time that Harry would hear the heartbeat. Louis had heard it all before, but he would never get tired of hearing it. It was proof that his little boy was still alive and well.

"Is there anything I should be aware of? What's your doctor's name? I'm daddy and you are papa right?" Harry rambled out whenever he got super nervous. Hell. Who could blame him? He was going to hear his son's heartbeat for the first time.

Louis smiled and nodded as he sat in the passenger side, buckling himself in. "Dr.Frank is his name and yes. You are the daddy." He giggled, glancing over at Harry with soft eyes. Harry was just amazing so far. Anything Louis wanted, Harry got it. Harry was perfect. Kinda reminds him when they were actually dating.

"Dr.Frank.." Harry murmured, buckling himself in before he began to drive, tapping the wheel. "He sounds like a dick, if I'm honest."

Louis gasped and shook his head quickly as he looked over at him. "He's not! He's a bit older but he has plenty of experience in child birth and has four children of his own. And he's really nice." He mumbled, clasping his hands in his lap.

Harry grinned as he glanced over at him, placing his hand on his knee. "We'll just have to see about that."


Harry smiled as he pulled into the small cafe, glancing over at Louis. "Does this place ring a bell?" He asked softly as he pulled the car into park.

Louis blushed and smiled shyly as he looked at the familiar cafe. "Of course it does. This was the place you took me on our first date. How can I forget?" Louis remembered it like the back of his hand.


"Haz! Where are you taking me?" Louis giggled as he reached out in front of him, Harry keeping his eyes covered.

"To somewhere amazing and wonderful." He whispered, wanting to make a good impression on Louis since this was the first date he's ever took anyone on period.

Harry wasn't one to stay in a relationship. He liked to party and live his life. But with Louis? Something was different. Harry just felt generally happy when he was around Louis. Of course he wanted to get in his pants, but hey. Maybe. Just maybe something good could come out of this. Harry was willing to give it a try.

"Alright. You can look now." Harry whispered, removing his hands with a small grin. He had rented out the back portion of the cafe, lighting it up with lanterns. Harry just really wanted this to be special for him. Why was he going for the extreme? Oh yeah, it was Louis.

It Is What It Is (Larry Stylinson Mpreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now