Chapter 17

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By the time Harry had arrived to his uncle’s lake house it was dusk. The sun was setting in the background beautifully, but to Harry? The small, pregnant boy nuzzled against his chest was far more beautiful. Louis had fallen asleep about a hour ago, his tiny fingers clutching onto Harry’s arm protectively. 

Harry pulled into the driveway of the house, turning his motorcycle off. He smiled brightly at the sound of Louis’ soft snores, a fond smile growing on his face. How Louis ever even managed to fall asleep while riding a motorcycle was beyond him. 

“Lou? C’mon love, wake up.” Harry whispered softly, reaching down and carefully pulling his helmet off, putting it off to the side. 

Louis whined softly, burying his face into his chest. “No, don’t make me go..” He whispered, his eyes not yet opening. 

Harry chuckled, rubbing his back gently. “Let’s get you inside so you can sleep on a nice, soft bed.” He whispered, kissing the top of his head gently. 

Louis pouted slightly, sighing as he rubbed at his eyes before he looked up at him. “Why do you hate me so bad? I was perfectly fine where I was.” He murmured, his eyes squinted as he looked around. “Where are we even at?” 

Harry grinned, reaching down to push his hair off his forehead. “We’re home Lou.” Louis looked up at him warily, but it was almost like he could read his mind. “Liam will never find us.” 

Louis blushed but nodded, yawning slightly. “Alright.” He whispered before he looked at the lake, a smile growing on his face. “It’s beautiful here.” 

Harry shook his head as he helped Louis off the motorcycle, putting the kickstand down. “Eh, it’s alright.” He shrugged, wrapping his free arm around Louis’ waist. “Everything is already here. Jackson’s things and all.” 

Louis smiled as he nuzzled into his side, biting his lip gently. “I’m so glad everything is back to the way they should be.” He admitted.

Harry smiled as he grabbed the spare key from the mailbox. “Yeah, and they are gonna stay that way.” 


“I don’t know where the fuck he is Niall! He won’t answer his phone and he said he would be back bloody hours ago!” Liam shouted as he paced around the room, tugging at his hair roughly. 

Niall looked over at him with a raised eyebrow, his arms crossed over his chest. “He’s grown. He doesn’t need to have your permission to go anywhere.” He pointed out. 

Liam turned around, his eyes practically sending daggers at his head. “What if Harry has gotten him, hmm? That punk could have him and mistreat him!” He shouted. 

Niall frowned, sighing as he shook his head. “Liam.” He said calmly, watching his friend closely. “Mate, you really need to sit down and just chill. He’s gonna be fine.” Niall murmured, turning around to leave.

Liam glared at Niall, grabbing his wrist. “You aren’t going anywhere until we find Louis.” He hissed. 


“The baby blue will clash though Haz! White is far much better!” Louis squealed as he ran into the kitchen, Harry hot on his heels. They were arguing about what color Jackson should be painted in above his crib. “No, the baby blue is for a baby boy. And we have a baby boy.” Harry claimed, grinning as he pinned him in between the counter and himself. 

Louis’ breath hitched as he looked up at Harry, his eyes wide and flushed. “B-But…” He started, nibbling on his bottom lip. 

The two had gotten into a pointless argument. The good kind though. The one that Harry threatened to tickle Louis silly until he agreed with him. These were the only arguments Harry ever wanted in his relationship with Louis. Wait…were they even in a relationship? 

Harry grinned as he looked down at him. “But what?” He whispered, leaning down closer to him, their lips almost touching. 

Louis had already closed his eyes because well. Harry was gonna kiss him. Shit. This was really happening. Breath. But what Louis wasn’t expecting was the sudden frenzy he felt on his sides. 

Harry laughed as he looked down at him, a bright smile on his face. He didn’t realize that Louis was anticipating a kiss. Louis was the one that said he wasn’t even ready for a relationship. Harry just got Louis and Jackson back. He wasn’t about to lose them again.

“Harry!!” Louis squealed, squirming in his arms, laughing loudly although he couldn’t help but to feel really disappointed. 

Did Harry not want to kiss him? 

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