Chapter 12

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Harry felt Louis’ fingers slotted with his own and he was instantly confused. Was this a dream? Probably. Maybe the medicine he had in his IV drip caused him to see things that weren’t really there? That’s probably it. 

But then he felt a cool metal around his wrist and he was even more confused. What the hell was all this?

Harry groaned quietly, squeezing his hand gently. “L-Lou?” He breathed, his voice heavy. 

Louis’ head shot up and he looked down at Harry like he had two heads. “Harry!” He cried, hugging him tightly as he buried his face in his neck. “You’re alive! I knew you wouldn’t leave us!” Louis sobbed, his baby bump protruding. 

When Harry went into the coma, Louis wasn’t this big. But now? He was so full of his baby and just when he felt it, it almost brought him to tears. Harry went to hug him, but his right hand was restrained. 

He looked down, his eyes widening at the handcuffs. The hell? Louis sniffled as he pulled back slightly, wiping at his eyes. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again! I thought I-I lost you.” He whispered, hiccuping slightly. 

Harry shook his head before he went to tug at the restraints again. Louis looked down at his hand, frowning slightly. “I’ll go get a doctor.” He said softly, kissing his forehead gently before he padded out of the room, a hand on his stomach protectively. 

Harry watched the small boy, biting his lip gently. Louis was huge now. He had never seen anything any more beautiful in his life though. But what the hell was up with the handcuffs? Harry gasped slightly as he remembered. 

He came home drunk. What if he did something to Louis? He would never forget himself. Ever. 

The doctor walked in, smiling slightly. “Mr.Styles! It’s great to see you awake!” He hummed, going around and checking his vitals. 

Louis came in soon after, sitting beside Harry, holding his hand securely. “Is he gonna be alright?” 

The doctor smiled and nodded as he scribbled some notes down in his files. “He’s as good as new.” He said with a soft chuckle. 

Louis sighed out thankfully, squeezing his hand gently. “What about..” He trailed off, pointing to the handcuffs. 

The doctor frowned and sighed softly. “There’s nothing I can do about that. Matter of face..” He murmured, looking up at the police officer came in. “Is he clear?” The doctor nodded, carefully taking his IV out. “Clear.” 

Harry’s eyes widened as he realized what was happening and he shook his head quickly. “I didn’t do anything!” He squeaked, his voice being raw from being in the coma. 

Louis gasped slightly as he stood up, shaking his head quickly. “You can’t take him! He just woke up from a fucking coma!” He screeched. 

The police officer just sighed, shaking his head. “He’s been accused of rape. I can’t just let him walk free until he is clear.” He informed, removing the handcuffs from the bed. The police officer stood Harry up, handcuffing his hands behind his back. 

Harry was stunned. Speechless. He had raped Louis? No, he couldn’t have. He would never do that to him. Drunk or not. But the police would never believe him. Harry has a past with violence, but never anything as severe as rape. 

“You can’t take him! He didn’t rape me! Please!” Louis cried, grabbing the police officer’s arm. “He didn’t do it! Please, don’t take him! Our son is gonna be here soon! I-If he supposedly raped me, and I deny it, why are you siding with Liam when he wasn’t even there?!” He sobbed, looking up at him desperately. 

The man sighed, shaking his head. “I would believe Mr.Payne any day over this punk anyway.” He muttered, walking Harry towards the door. 

Louis wasn’t giving up that easily. Harry had been in a coma for a little over a month. Like he was really gonna let Harry go like this? 

“I’m the supposed ‘rape victim’, Liam doesn’t have a damn thing to do with this! He’s so jealous of Harry and I, he can’t think straight! He should be the one in handcuffs because he pushed Harry, hence the reason he’s here in the first place!” Louis shouted, following behind them, working himself up. 

Stress was never good for the baby, but that was the farthest thing from his mind at the moment. He wasn’t gonna let Harry go again. 

“Please! You have to be-“ Louis started, before he gasped, his hands flying to his belly when he felt a sharp pain. 

Harry turned around, his eyes widening when he saw Louis’ jeans. What he saw was horrifying. 


(Uh oh….! This was kinda short…sorry! 5K reads and over 200 votes!? Thank you so much for following this story, it means the world! Vote, Comment, and Share! Thanks lovelies!xx)

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