Chapter 26

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Confused wouldn't even be the word beginning to describe how Harry was feeling. It didn't seem like it was possible. Earlier, they were happy with little Jack. But now? Louis had kicked Harry out of the room, not allowing him to see Jackson until all this was figured out. Harry didn't have the slightest clue as to what they were even talking about. Casey? Who was she? Daughter? He didn't have a daughter. Jackson was his first born. 

Harry sighed quietly as he sat in the cafe downstairs, looking over at Gemma. "Are you gonna explain what's going on because I don't have a fucking clue. I just wanna be with Louis and Jackson Gem and I can't even do that." He whispered sadly, spinning his straw in his tea. 

Gemma looked over at him and nodded slowly. "I know, I know. I want you to be. But there is something you have to know. Or rather, someone you have to meet." She murmured. Gemma had told Niall about Liam telling Louis about Casey. She felt as if it wasn't her place to tell Harry. Niall needed too. Gemma knew that Harry wouldn't just believe her so Niall was bringing Casey to the hospital. 

"What are you talking about?" Harry groaned, leaning back against the chair. It was frustrating because everyone was talking about this 'Casey' but no one was telling him who the fuck she was and he was getting sick of it. 

"Hi!" A small voice called out, followed by the pitter patter of feet. "Casey!" Niall hissed, jogging after his little girl who had made a full sprint towards the table. 

Harry turned around at the mere mention of 'Casey', his eyes widening. That was Niall...but the little girl? That was Casey? "Casey?" Harry whispered, his eyebrows furrowed.

Niall bit his lip as he looked over at Harry and Gemma, picking Casey up. "Yep. This is Casey. My daughter." He said calmly, taking a seat beside Gemma. 

Harry nodded cautiously. "I didn't know you had a little girl." He admitted, looking at the girl curiously. She was quite adorable in his opinion. But what could she possibly have to do with him? 

Gemma pursed her lips together, nudging Niall's knee. "So, we need to talk to you. You remember how you were a pretty big party guy when you were in college?" She started off, looking over at Niall so he could continue. 

"Yeah. I went to a couple parties but who doesn't when they're in college?" Harry murmured, taking a sip of tea. 

"Well, I went to a party a while back and you were there." Niall murmured, bouncing Casey in his lap who was nibbling on Gemma's muffin. "Lots of alcohol. Things got pretty wild." He breathed, puffing out his cheeks. 

Harry shrugged but nodded. "Yeah, I guess. But why are you bringing that up? It's been yea-." He started but cut himself off because he suddenly felt sick to his stomach. "How old is she?" Harry asked quietly, putting his tea down. 

Niall looked over at him, swallowing thickly. "I'm sorry." He whispered, but what was he sorry? Sorry for Casey? In a way. But he couldn't imagine his life without the little girl. Maybe he was sorry that Harry was the father? But only because he was terrified of the turmoil it would cause on Harry and Louis' relationship. 

"She's mine?" Harry whispered, shaking his head quickly as he covered his face with his hands. "She can't be!" He claimed. Just as always. Harry really couldn't have a normal life, could he? He had a little girl but he didn't even know about her? "None of you can tell Louis." 

Gemma looked over at him a little baffled. "Harry, he already knows Casey. He just doesn't know who she is. If you don't tell him now, things will only get worse." She pointed out, thinking her baby brother has lost any common sense he may have had before. 

"No." Harry said flatly, crossing his arms over his chest. "She'll just be another outlet for Liam to swoop in and take Louis and Jackson away from me. I can't let that happen. She's loved and taken care of." He whispered. Was he being harsh? No. Not in his mind. Liam was public enemy number one. 

Gemma shook her head in disbelief. "Jackson is your son Harry, but Casey is your daughter whether you like it or not. She deserves to have you in her life." She replied, looking at him. "If you don't tell Louis, I will." 

Harry huffed as he glared at her. "Do you realize what will happen if I tell Louis I have a daughter with his best friend? He'll leave me and take away Jack! She's already been raised by Niall, she knows him and not me. Jack doesn't know anything. I want to be there for him and I want to be there for Louis."

Niall rubbed at his eyes as he listened to the ongoing conversation between the two, standing up with Casey on his hip. "I knew this was a bad idea. I would have told you when I got pregnant with her but you were with Louis and I didn't want to fuck that up. But look. It's been years later and I'm still going to do the one thing I didn't want too. I'm going to ruin my best friend's life." He whispered, sniffling as he grabbed his jacket. "Just don't worry about it. I've raised her by myself for this long, I can handle it. I just thought you would like to know you have a daughter." 

Gemma frowned as she stood up, placing a hand on Niall's arm. "Sit down, please? He's just not thinking straight." She mumbled. 

Harry sighed as he looked over at them, running his hands over his face. "You have to understand. Louis and Jackson are the only thing I have. I'm so fucking happy that I finally have a little family. I want to keep them safe and that's what I'm trying to do. If I come clean and tell Louis who Casey is, he will leave me. I know he will. Then who will be waiting? Liam. With his fucking arms wide open. And I will be damned if he's a foot near my son or my love." 

Gemma sat beside him, cupping his face. "But you have to understand. You don't just have one kid. You have two. A little boy and a little girl. Casey deserves to have you in her life just as much as Jackson does. Louis wouldn't leave you because Niall will tell Louis the truth. You didn't know about her. It'll all be okay." She said softly, poking his cheek. 

Harry inhaled deeply before he looked over at her. He was confused now more than he ever was. "You don't know he'll be so forgiving. Liam has like some sort of spell on him."

Niall looked over at him, bouncing Casey on his hip. "I can explain that." He mumbled, biting his lip. "Before you, Louis was in an abusive relationship. Liam got him out and ever since then, Louis has felt like he owes him." Niall informed. "I can't make any promises, but I'm sure that if I talked to Louis and told him everything, he'll stay with you." 

"That's just a chance I'm not sure I want to take." 

(Dun, Dun, Dun! What should Harry do? Thanks for reading lovelies! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow!xxx)

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