Chapter 22

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Gemma gasped, her eyes wide. "I have a niece?" She asked slowly, not exactly sure that she was comprehending what Niall was telling her. "You're sure she is Harry's?" Gemma murmured, crossing her arms over her chest.

Niall nodded, licking over his lips. "I didn't want to tell Louis because he was so happy with Harry. I had to keep it a secret. Louis just got away from Eric and he was so happy Gemma. I-I didn't wanna fuck that up. But I have a little girl now and Harry is the dad. He's the only guy I've been with." He murmured, sighing softly. "Her name is Casey and she's only two. She doesn't need to be drug into this." Niall said softly, pulling out to show her his screensaver which was of his little girl. "She's my everything."

Gemma smiled slightly at the picture. "She really is beautiful." She whispered, sighing softly. "But, wow. I wasn't expecting that." She mumbled, pursing her lips together. "But you do know we have to tell them, right?"

Niall swallowed thickly as he looked down at his feet, but nodded again. "Yeah, I know, I know. But how in the hell are we going to tell them when we have Liam following us around?" He asked, turning around to look in the living room, his eyes widening when he saw Liam asleep on the couch. "We have to go. Like right now." Niall murmured, grabbing her hand and dragging her out of the house.


"Babe, the pajamas are way cuter! I think he should wear them when he comes home." Harry pointed out, grinning as he held up a orange and white stripped sleeper. The days were shortening and Harry was growing more excited. He could hardly wait until he could finally hold his son in his arms. Until he was finally gonna be a dad.

Louis shook his head quickly, pointing to the cute little outfit he had picked out. It was a small onesie that said 'Dad's Little Pal' with an older dog and a puppy, along with matching pants. Harry would admit it was cute and all, but he was dead set on the pajamas.

"M'kay, I have a proposition. He comes home in the pajamas, but! When we have his pictures made, he can wear the outfit?" Harry suggested, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind, kissing his neck gently. He was starting to fall for Louis all over again. It was terrifying yet absolutely amazing.

Louis bit his lip in thought, nuzzling back into his chest. "It's tempting. Really. It is." He whispered, lolling his head to the side. "But I want something else." Louis murmured, reaching up and pushing his fingers through his hair.

Harry smirked slightly, nipping at his earlobe slightly. "Hmm? What's that? You know that I'll give you whatever you want." He whispered huskily, closing his eyes momentarily.

Louis licked over his lips before he turned around, pressing their lips together. "You." He mumbled against his lips, wrapping his arms around his neck, kissing him sweetly.

Harry laughed quietly against his lips, placing his hands on his hips before he pulled back slightly. "Is it safe for the little one? Can I like...get in there?"

Louis snorted, clasping a hand behind his neck. "Be glad you're sexy." He murmured before he kissed him again, letting out a frustrated whine when he heard a knock on the door. "No! I don't want to answer it!" Louis huffed, pulling back and crossing his arms over his chest stubbornly.

Harry looked down at him with a fond smile, kissing his forehead. "We will continue this. I promise." He whispered, kissing him once more before he went to answer the door, his eyebrows furrowed at Gemma and Niall. "Hey guys...what are you doing here?" Harry asked confusedly, allowing them in. They were only supposed to come if Liam was getting close to them so to say Harry was scared was an understatement.

Gemma looked over at Niall who was looking at the ground nervously. "We needed to talk to you. Both of you." She said softly, looking up when she heard Louis come into the living room.

"Whoever the hell it is can wait because I am hor-" Louis started, his cheeks flushing at the sight of Niall and Gemma. "Horribly hungry.." He said slowly, walking over to Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes and grinned slightly as he wrapped his arm around his waist. "Hungry? Not for fo-" He started but was cut off by a sharp pinch to his thigh. "Oi! What was that for?" Harry pouted, glancing down at him.

Louis sent him a stern look before looking over to the pair. "Not that I don't enjoy seeing you both, but is there a specific reason you're here?" He asked softly, grabbing Harry's hand as they walked to the couch.

Gemma nodded as she sat across from them in the love seat, Niall sitting beside her. "Yeah, there is. But it doesn't involve Liam. We finally got a break from him and we kinda snuck off." She said with a small shrug. "How have you guys been?"

Harry glanced down at Louis, smiling softly. "We're doing amazing. Jack'll be here any day now and we're getting pretty excited. We've been doing wonderful. Took him out a few times and we're trying things out again." He said softly.

Niall swallowed thickly, not wanting to tell them about Casey. It was only going to hurt their relationship and he didn't want to do that to Louis. Louis deserved happiness... But Casey deserved her daddy. It was a situation where he was damned if he did and damned if he didn't.

"That's great. I am so glad to see that you're getting along. But Niall here, has something to tell you both." Gemma said softly, placing a hand on Niall's knee, squeezing gently.

Niall looked over at her, before looking to Harry and Louis who were watching him. "I erm...well.." He whispered, furrowing his eyebrows when he saw Louis' face contort into pain. "Lou? You okay?" Niall murmured.

Louis bit his lip as he held his stomach. "Jackson is kicking like crazy." He murmured, glancing up at Harry.

Harry raised an eyebrow, reaching down and rubbing his stomach mindlessly. "Braxton hicks?" He suggested.

Louis opened his mouth to speak before he felt a gush of water between his leg. He gasped slightly, his eyes widening as he grabbed Harry's hand tightly.

"I-It's time..."

(Hiiii! That little girl looks familiar.... Jackson is coming! Finally! (: I post a get the next chapter...80+ votes! Oh! Check out "The Boy By The Window" by PewPewYouDied! It's also a larry mpreg! Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!xxxx)

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