Chapter 29

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Harry cooed softly as he looked down at his tiny son that was bundled up in his superman blanket, kissing his forehead gently. "Ready to go home darling? Gonna take such good care of you and papa. You'll both never have to want for anything." He promised, smiling as he let Jackson grip onto his finger. The past two days had been absolutely perfect. The small family had been bonding and getting closer than ever before. To put the cherry on top? Liam was gone. They didn't have to worry.

Louis peeked out of the bathroom, a soft smile growing on his lips at the sight of Harry and little Jack. Harry had been so amazing while they were at the hospital. He was the one that would take care of Jackson at night because he insisted that Louis got his sleep. "Haz, you ready to go?" Louis asked softly, reaching down and placing his hands on his shoulders, rubbing gently.

Harry glanced up at him and nodded, a soft smile growing on his lips. "Yeah. You feeling okay? I need to go and get the car but don't strain yourself. Remember, you're not supposed to lift anything other than baby. If you need anything, just let me know and I will do it." He rambled, blushing slightly as he felt Louis' lips on his own.

"You're cute when you ramble." Louis whispered, smiling against his lips as he cupped his face. "But shut up." He murmured, pulling back with a soft hum.

Harry smiled as he kissed his cheek before he stood up, picking up Jackson's carseat and diaper bag. "You get in the wheelchair and you can hold Jackson's carseat in your lap, okay? But if it gets too much, just let me know." He murmured, helping him into the wheelchair before he put the carseat in his lap.

Louis smiled as he held the sides of the carseat, cooing quietly. "Hello, my beautiful little boy." He whispered, watching as Jackson slept peacefully.

Gemma looked into the room, smiling softly. "Let's get you all home and out of here. Hospitals just give me the heebie jeebies." She shuddered.

"Heebie jebbies?" Harry laughed, looking over at her. "Gem, people don't say that anymore." He pointed out, carefully pushing Louis down the hallway.

Gemma scoffed, nudging him in the side. "Yes they do! Heebie jeebies is damn cool." She pointed out.

Harry rolled his eyes, glancing over at her. "Sure. If you're in a 90's sitcom." He murmured, laughing quietly.

Louis giggled quietly, shaking his head fondly. "Go get the car Haz. Gem can stay with us." He hummed, reaching down to run his thumb across Jackson's cheek.

Harry smiled, kissing the top of Louis' head before he left to go get the car. He wasn't sure what he and Louis were, but he didn't mind. Louis was happy and so was he. That's all that mattered to him.


It was 3 am when Jackson started to cry again. Harry didn't know how in the hell that such a small boy could cry so much. He couldn't hold that many tears could he? It just wasn't possible. Harry sighed as he sat up, rubbing at his eyes. As he went to get up, he heard some noise in the hallway. Harry's eyes widened slightly as he grabbed his baseball bat, clutching to it tightly as he crept to the door. The poor lad was so sleep deprived that he didn't even realize that Louis was out of bed. Harry slowly opened the door, his breathing growing heavy. He walked towards Jackson's' nursery, pulling the bat up so he could swing.

Louis smiled softly as he changed Jackson's diaper, now rocking the small baby. "You're okay baby doll. You can go back to sleep now." He cooed, kissing his forehead as he walked around the room, humming quietly. Jackson whimpered softly, waving his small fists around, his face scrunched together. Louis hummed softly, looking down at him. "You wanna go see daddy?" He asked with a small smile as he turned around, walking towards the door. Louis gasped when he saw the man who stood there with a baseball bat. "Harry!" He screamed, believing the man was an intruder.

Harry was ready to swing, gasping quietly when he realized it was Louis. "Fuck, I'm sorry." He breathed, dropping the bat quickly so he could step into the light to reveal it was himself. "I am so sorry."

Louis breathed heavily as he looked over at him, shaking his head. "Harry! You just about made me drop our son and then kick you in the balls!" He whispered urgently.

Harry laughed quietly, looking over at him. "I'm sorry. I didn't even realize you were out of bed. What are you out of bed for anyway?" He asked, walking over to Louis and Jackson.

Louis shook his head with a small laugh. "He started to cry and I didn't want to wake you up." He shrugged, bouncing Jackson gently.

"But you need to get your sleep." Harry whispered, reaching down and running his thumb across Jackson's cheek.

Louis looked up at Harry, smirking slightly. "Says the one who was getting ready to knock my brains out with a baseball bat." He whispered, laughing quietly.

Harry rolled his eyes, reaching down and taking Jackson into his arms. "Haha. I was just trying to protect you guys." He murmured, holding his son close to him.

"Well, I would feel a lot more safe if you got some sleep." Louis whispered, smiling small at the sight of the two.

Harry grinned slightly as he looked over at him, kissing the top of his head. "Let's all go back to bed, yeah? You go on and I'll be there in just a few minutes." He said softly, kissing his forehead before he went into the nursery.

Louis smiled softly but nodded as he walked into the bedroom, laying down with a small sigh. He was so glad he had Harry in his life to help out with Jackson. It just made things so much easier.

Harry hummed quietly as he walked into the nursery, sitting in the rocking chair with a soft smile. "You're so beautiful darling. I can't believe that I'm your daddy." He whispered, kissing his forehead before he grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around him securely. Harry rocked them back and forth, gently beginning to sing.

"Isn't he lovely? Isn't he wonderful? Isn't he precious? Less than one minute old..."

He sang softly, smiling widely as he watched Jackson drift off to sleep. Yeah. Harry could definitely get used to this.


Early that morning, Louis's phone had started to ring.

Louis groaned loudly, reaching down and grabbing his phone with a small whine. "What? Can't it wait?" He whispered, his face still pressed into the pillow.

Niall pursed his lips together and shook his head quickly. "No, I..-you need to know this." He muttered, running a hand through his own bed head. "Karen just called me and well..Liam.." Niall started but was cut off by Louis.

"Fuck, tell me he got caught please." Louis whispered, sitting up in the bed, suddenly feeling a lot more alert than he had been.

Niall sighed and licked over his lips nervously.

"Louis, Liam....he's dead.."

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