Chapter 21

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It was nearly three in the morning yet Louis was curled up under a duvet, a tub of ice cream in his lap, tears streaming down his face. Louis had gotten hungry at first, so he came down stairs to get something. But then he realized if he went back upstairs, he would probably wake Harry up and he didn't want to do that since he had to go to work in the morning. So what else was he supposed to do beside stay down stairs, find a romantic movie and cry to himself?

"N-No, he loves you. Y-You can't g-give up on him.." Louis hiccuped, his bottom lip trembling before he stuffed his face with some more ice cream. 

Harry grumbled slightly as he shuffled around in the bed, starting to come around when he didn't feel Louis in the bed. Instantly, he thought the worse. Liam. What if he had came back? What if he took Louis? "Fuck." Harry breathed before he scrambled out of the bed, dashing down the stairs, his eyebrows furrowed at the sight. "Louis?" He asked, his head cocked to the side. 

Louis glanced back at Harry, his eyes wide and doe like. "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't want to wake you." He whispered, rubbing at his eyes before returning his attention back to the movie. 

Harry bit his lip to prevent his fond smile from showing. "Lou, you know if you ever need me at all, all you have to do is just tell me." He said slowly, moving to sit beside him on the couch, wrapping his arms around his waist. 

Louis shook his head quickly, waving his spoon around for emphasis as he began to rant. "No! Because you have to go work at the auto shop in a few hours and you'll be cranky and then it'll be my fault! A-And then you won't go and we'll be homeless and broke!" He cried, hiding his face in his hands. 

Harry grinned as he pulled him into his lap, rubbing his back soothingly. "No, no. You and Jackson come first. It's just my uncle's shop. He'll understand. If you need me here, I'll be here. No problem. Don't cry love." He whispered, kissing his temple gently. "I know what will make you feel better." 

Louis sniffled, rubbing at his eyes before he glanced up at him. "Wh-What?" He asked shakily, resting his head on his shoulder, taking a deep breath. 

Harry smiled as he laid down against the couch, grabbing a blanket to cover them. "One of my world famous jokes." He said softly, reaching down and pushing his hair off his forehead. 

Louis smiled slightly, glancing up at him. "You can't tell a good joke to save your life." He whispered. 

Harry pouted, huffing as he looked up at the ceiling. "Why do lesbians go to Hibbet's? Because they don't like Dick's." 

Louis snorted as he looked up at him, giggling quietly. "You're such a dork." He whispered, tracing his finger along his chest tattoo. "You know, lesbians might not like dicks, but I do." Louis said slowly, blushing slightly. 

Harry raised an eyebrow, grinning slightly as he reached down, placing a hand over his stomach. "Obviously." He whispered, pouting. "Louuu, gimme a kiss." Harry demanded playfully, puckering out his lips. 

Louis smiled as he leaned up, pressing their lips together, kissing him softly. Kissing Harry had to be one of his most favorite things to do. 

It Is What It Is (Larry Stylinson Mpreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now