Chapter 33

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The following morning, Louis knew he had to call Harry to try and fix things. He realized just how hard it was to try and raise Jackson on his own. Louis knew he couldn't do it alone. He pursed his lips together tightly as he held the phone tight in his hand, taking a deep breath before he dialed Harry's number, holding the phone up to his ear.

Harry was out at the cafe, getting some breakfast for Casey, Niall and himself. Things were really going great with them. Harry could really see some sort of future with them. But then again, he couldn't forget he had a son either. Harry furrowed his eyebrows when his phone buzzed, figuring it was Niall because Casey had changed what she wanted at least three times by now. "What's the order now Ni?" He asked with a soft chuckle, not even bothering with looking at the caller ID.

Louis frowned deeply, leaning against the counter as he watched Jackson sleep soundly in his swing. He couldn't do that a few hours ago so Louis could get just a little bit of sleep? Of course not. "Niall?" Louis asked quietly, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Harry's eyes widened slightly when he realized it was Louis, quietly cursing under his breath. "Uh, what do you want?" He asked bluntly, pulling his wallet out to pay for their food. What could Louis possibly say now? Hadn't he already said enough?

Louis swallowed the lump in his throat, a small sigh escaping his lips. "I-I'm sorry, okay?" He whispered. Louis looked down at his feet, sniffling softly. "Th-Things have just been so crazy lately, a-and I have to go t-to his funeral today...I-I'm just stressed a-and I-I'm sorry." He whispered, reaching up and rubbing at his eyes.

Harry frowned as he listened to Louis, licking over his lips. "Well, I hope everything goes well at the funeral but I will not be there. I'm spending the day with Niall and Casey." He replied with a small shrug.

"You do remember that Jackson is your son too, right? You can't punish Jackson for something I did. He needs you in his life." Louis murmured with a frown, a small sigh escaping his lips. "Don't be a deadbeat dad like yours."

Harry's eyes widened and he clenched the phone tight in his hand. "I am nothing like him and you take that back right now. I am a damn good dad to both my kids. You fucking know that." He hissed. How dare Louis stoop as low to say something like that?

"You've abandoned me and Jackson!" Louis claimed with a small huff. "You ran when things got hard!" He accused.

"Ran away? I fucking ran away?!" Harry shouted, getting a few odd looks from a few people in the cafe. "I was there Louis. I was the one getting up in the middle of the fucking night so you could sleep! But you pushed me away because you wanted Liam!" He whisper yelled, his jaw clenched. "God, your mind changes like a fucking light switch!"

"Liam wouldn't have ran away from me or Jackson! He would have helped me out because that's what a good friend does! But you supposedly loved me, yet you ran off?! You're so two faced Harry. You can't pick and choose to be a dad when it is best for you. It's a full time job."

Harry laughed bitterly, rubbing his face. "I moved in with you to take care of Jackson. I picked up another job for you! I fucking told you I loved you! But god, I am so fucking glad I got away from you when I did because if I had to be tied down to you, I would rather be dead." He snapped.

Louis' eyes widened and he licked over his lips as he realized he was defeating the purpose of his intent in the first place. He needed to win Harry back, not push him even further away. "Harry." Louis said calmly, but was cut off by Harry who was livid.

"No! Sorry can't even begin to make up for what you've done. Everything you've said to me! You've basically called me a piece of shit and a dead beat dad! When you know damn well, I am a good dad. I have made my mistakes Louis, but I am a good person now. I've changed and that's more than I can say for you."

Louis swallowed thickly, reaching up and rubbing at his eyes. "Harry, I-I'm sorry, can w-we meet up somewhere and talk?" He asked quietly.

Harry scoffed, shaking his head as he grabbed the brown takeout bag. "I am going to get custody of Jackson. He doesn't need to be around someone as unstable as you." He mumbled, hanging up as he got in his car.

Louis' eyes widened and he dropped the phone, clasping a hand over his mouth. Harry wouldn't, would he? Jackson was his world. He might not have been planned, but Louis knew he couldn't make it without Jackson. Louis sobbed softly as he scooped the sleeping boy up, holding him close to his chest, squeezing his eyes shut. He really didn't mean to upset Harry so much. Louis just had a lot of pressure on his shoulders.

After Louis had calmed down, he picked his phone up with shaky hands, calling Niall. Hopefully Niall could talk to Harry for him.

"Hello?" Niall hummed, smiling as he played with Casey while they waited for Harry to arrive with food.

"N-Ni...I-I-I messed up so bad.." Louis cried, sitting down in front of Jackson, reaching down and holding his tiny little hand securely. "H-He's gonna t-take him from me..." He sobbed. "P-Please don't let h-him.."

Niall furrowed his eyebrows confusedly, sending Casey upstairs to play. "What? Louis, calm down. What is wrong? Talk to me. Take a deep breath." He whispered.

Louis did as he was instructed, breathing heavily through his nose, crying softly. "H-Harry said h-he was g-g-gonna take Jack a-away from me b-b-because I-I'm unstable.." He whimpered, rubbing at his nose as he watched Jack look up at him worriedly. "I-I didn't mean wh-what I said..I-I-I just...his funeral is t-today.." Louis tried to explain, sniffling.

Niall frowned, sighing quietly. "Well. You are under a lot of stress and that is completely understandable. You just need to sit down with Harry and talk things through. Say you're sorry." He explained with a small shrug.

"H-He won't even talk to me." Louis whispered, smiling sadly down at Jackson, running his thumb across his cheek.

Niall pursed his lips together, sighing quietly. "Okay...I'll figure something out. I'll take Casey to the pool, maybe? I don't know, but I'll take her somewhere public, invite Harry and you so you can talk and figure everything out." He proposed with a small smile, rubbing his cheek. "And hey, you know what?"

Louis smiled slightly at Niall's words, nodding. "That sounds really good." He whispered, licking over his lips. "What?" Louis asked quietly.

"You know Harry has never really been into blondes. You've gotten me beat." Niall laughed quietly, biting his lip gently.

Louis laughed breathlessly, nodding in agreement. "O-Okay, I love you Ni, but I have to go get ready." He whispered.

Niall smiled softly but nodded. "I love you too Lou. I'll probably see you there." He whispered before he hung up.

Louis smiled small as he looked down at Jackson, cooing softly before he snapped a quick picture of him. He put it as his screensaver, deciding to send Harry the picture.

'Misses his daddy xxx'

Louis bit his lip as he pushed the send button, a small sigh escaping his lips. He stood up with Jackson snuggled against his chest as he went to get ready for Liam's funeral.

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