Chapter 34

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It had been a month since Louis had last heard from Harry. Where he went was a mystery to everyone. Niall didn't even know. Or that's what he told him at least. It was like he had just completed vanished. Louis was worried about Harry because he still cared about him. Even if he was a bit of a dick to him, he couldn't deny the feelings he had for him.

Louis smiled small as he looked down at Jackson who had grown so much in the past month. He was becoming so much more alert and was starting to grab at his toes. Louis loved his little boy beyond words but he was realizing just how hard it was to raise him on his own. There was no such thing as having his own time anymore because Jackson needed his care 24/7. Not that he minded, but everyone needed a break sometimes.

Thankfully Louis hadn't actually gotten any letters or anyone at his doorstep telling him they were taking Jackson. That was something he was so incredibly happy about. Hopefully Harry had had a change of heart.

Liam's funeral was probably one of the toughest things he has ever had to do. Hardly no one was there besides him, Jackson and Liam's family. Taking Jackson to the funeral home was something he did not want to do but he had no other choice. Niall was busy was Casey, Harry was gone and his family had broken off all contact with him. At Liam's funeral, the casket was closed because apparently his body was so badly burned, he was completely unrecognizable.

Louis hummed softly as he dressed Jackson up for the pool, thankful he had a friend as great as Niall. He helped out whenever he could, but then again, he had his own daughter he had to take care of. Niall made sure Louis didn't get too down though because he was always taking him out. Shopping, playdates, out to eat, whatever. Louis was truly grateful for him.

Louis grinned slightly as he got out of his car, picking Jackson up after he put the little sunglasses over his eyes. "My stylish little guy.." He cooed, kissing his forehead gently. Louis walked around the corner to the pool, smiling when he saw Niall and Casey.

Casey looked up and giggled as she ran over to them, hugging Louis' leg tightly. "Hi unc' Lou!" She chirped.

Louis smiled at the little girl, sitting down on a nearby chair, reaching down and hugging her gently. "Hi love, you gonna have fun today?" He asked, holding Jackson in his lap who was sucking away on his pacifier.

Casey grinned and nodded quickly, clasping her hands together. "Uh huh! Me and daddy 'en swimming!" She announced, practically glowing.

Louis raised an eyebrow, chuckling softly. "Oh?" He hummed, grabbing some sun tan lotion out of the diaper bag, squirting some in his hand as he rubbed Jackson down in it. That was kinda odd...didn't she call Niall papa?

"Didn't you know certain sun tan lotion contains harmful chemicals for him?" A familiar voice asked.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows as he looked up, a small gasp escaping his lips once he realized it was Harry. "Harry? Where have you been?" He whispered, smiling as he stood up to give him a one sided hug.

Harry frowned and pulled back slightly, glancing down at Jackson. How could he not smile at that? His son was adorable.

Harry hadn't gone too far, rather he just stayed under the radar. He had went and stayed with Gemma who talked to him and gave him great advice. Harry really didn't know what he would do without his sister. She was like his saving grace.

Harry was still around for Niall and Casey which he began to feel a little bit bad about because well it wasn't fair to Jackson. Jackson deserved to have his two daddies in his life. But Louis had pretty much kicked him out, didn't he?

Harry hadn't tried to actually take Jackson away from Louis. When he was really angry and upset, he would say rash things. And that day, he was just livid. But Harry had moved on. He tried to get his mind off Louis, but it was near impossible. Louis was the first guy Harry ever even thought about wanting to be with. He lived a fast life before him and didn't want any sort of responsibility.

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