Chapter 13

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Louis gasped as he clutched his stomach, squirming around on the bed. “Harry! Please!” He cried, reaching out for him desperately. He was scared shitless honestly. Seeing blood during pregnancy is never a good thing. 

Harry’s eyes widened as he watched the doctor push the stretcher down the hallway towards the maternity ward. Suddenly? Harry didn’t give a flying fuck about the police officer standing to his right. Jackson’s life could be in some serious trouble. 

“Get the fuck off me!” Harry shouted, squirming in an attempt to get out of his grip. The police officer only tightened his grip. “Mr.Styles, fighting a police officer is yet another charge.” “I don’t care! Let me go! Something’s wrong!” He screamed, glaring at Liam when he came around the corner. 

“You tell him the fucking truth! Something’s wrong!” Liam pursed his lips as he looked over at Harry, shrugging his shoulders. “You shouldn’t have tried to rape Lou.” He said quietly. 

If Harry wasn’t upset then, he sure as hell was now. “What the hell is wrong with you! You think if you put me away, he’ll want you!? He’ll never want you so get over yourself! If you care about Louis or the baby, you’ll tell him the fucking truth.” He practically growled, glaring at Liam. 

Liam watched Harry, not really carrying about anything he was saying. He knew that he was doing the best thing for the baby and Louis for that matter. Liam was stable, while Harry was not. “You know what you did.” Liam whispered, crossing his arms over his chest. 

Harry breathed heavily through his nose, trying desperately to free himself from the police officer’s grip. “Liam! Tell the truth!!” He shouted as he the officer dragged him down the hallway. 

Liam just shook his head, before he turned around, headed towards the maternity ward. “Louis Tomlinson?” He asked quietly. 

The nurse looked through her computer before nodding. “Room 218, last room on the right.”

Harry squirmed in his grip. “Come on! Just let me make sure he’s alright! That’s my first son!” He yelled, doing something he would probably regret later, but he just didn’t care at the moment. Harry kicked at the officer’s foot, causing the man to gasp, releasing his grip. 

Harry didn’t even think as he mad a mad dash towards the maternity ward, looking around for Louis.

“Styles! Get back here!” The officer shouted, chasing after him. 

“Louis! Louis!” Harry shouted, peering into every room. He had to know what was going on with Jackson. 

Louis looked up when he heard Harry, scared for several reasons. The doctor wouldn’t tell him anything that was going on and Harry was in handcuffs. “Harry! I’m in here!” He shouted, whimpering as he clutched his tummy. His stomach wasn’t hurting, but he was still bleeding. It couldn’t be a miscarriage, could it? 

Harry ran into the room, breathing heavily as he looked over at Louis, the boy still in handcuffs. “What’s wrong? How are you feeling?” He rushed out, his eyes filled with worry. 

It Is What It Is (Larry Stylinson Mpreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now