Chapter 32

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When Niall realized it was Harry who was knocking on his door, to say he was surprised would be an understatement. "Uh..Harry? What are you doing here?" He asked slowly, not opening the door all the way.

Harry smiled small, tucking his hands in his pockets. "I just wanted to know if you weren't too busy, maybe we can all go out somewhere so I can bond a bit with Casey?" He suggested, biting his lip nervously.

Niall furrowed his eyebrows. "Um...I-I uh, sure. Is Lou and Jack coming too?" He asked unknowingly, finally allowing Harry to come inside.

Harry scoffed quietly, shaking his head. "Oh no. Of course not. He is too busy with his son." He muttered bitterly, slipping his jacket off as he walked inside.

Niall frowned. "What do you mean?" He asked slowly. Last time he checked on the two, they were doing fine with raising Jackson.

"I mean he is the most selfish person I have ever met in my life and I hate him." Harry mumbled, sitting down on the couch. He shook his head when Niall opened his mouth, already knowing what he was gonna say. "And no, I do not want to talk about it. I just want to spend some time with my daughter please."

Niall blushed and shut his mouth, coughing quietly. That was the first time Harry had ever addressed Casey as his daughter. Niall had gotten the goosebumps. "Okay, I'll just go get her." He said quietly, making his way up the stairs. Niall returned a few moments later with a giggling little girl. Casey looked over at Harry and smiled widely as she waved. "Hi!"

Harry smiled at the sight of his daughter, finding it incredibly hard to believe that she was his. But it was undeniable. She was his spitting image. How had he not seen it before? "Hi love." He smiled, crouching down in front of her. "I have a question for you. How would you like to come with me and papa to the zoo?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

Casey gasped, looking up at Niall with wide green eyes. "Yes! Papa, yes! Pwease! Can we!?!" She squealed, bouncing around.

Niall laughed quietly but nodded, kissing her cheek. "Yeah, of course we can love. Go get your backpack love." He whispered. Casey giggled and nodded quickly, rushing upstairs to get her backpack. "Thank you Harry. Genuinely. I appreciate this. You know you don't have to do this though. But just promise me one thing. If you come into her life, you can't just leave whenever you want."

Harry looked over at him, standing up. "I promise. I'll never leave you guys as long as you don't kick me out. I want to be here for my kid. Louis has made it obvious he doesn't want me in Jack's life so fuck him."

"I wouldn't say that." Niall frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. "Louis loves you Harry, he's just going through a tough time right now. And I know you don't understand this, but Liam was Louis' best friend. Even if he was crazy. They've known each other since they were in diapers. It's just hard for him." He tried to explain.

Harry shrugged. "When he says that he would pick Liam over me any day, that did not feel good. Or when I can't give him the emotional support that Liam could? Look. I know that I am far from perfect but he talks like Liam was god's gift or something. Liam was not a good guy whatsoever. I own up to my mistakes and I paid the consequences Niall. I am trying to figure everything out and be there for my kids. Liam is burning in hell and it's right where he should be." He said bluntly, not showing any sign of remorse.

"Kids. You have two. Casey and Jackson. You can't just pick one over the other. You have to be a dad to both of them. They didn't ask to come into the world." Niall pointed out with a small sigh.

Harry bit his lip but nodded. "Jackson is my son. He can't keep me away from him for forever. But for today, I want to spend some time with Casey and you." He decided with a smile.

Niall raised an eyebrow, shaking his head with a small laugh. "Casey is the main priority here." He said softly, smiling when the small girl came back downstairs.

Harry chuckled as he held her hand, taking the two to the zoo. He had a genuinely good time and honestly? He felt like he had a family. Felt like he was finally doing something right.


Louis sighed out shakily, rubbing at his temples as Jackson cried for what felt like the 50th time that night. "Jackson, please.." He whispered, picking the wailing boy up, rocking him gently. Louis had already changed his diaper and fed him so he really didn't know what was wrong.

Usually this would be Harry's job. Harry was the one who handled things at night just so Louis could sleep. Now Louis was one to never admit he was wrong, but he would be lying if he said he didn't miss Harry. He really was a great dad but he was just under so much pressure with planning Liam's funeral with Karen and Harry was just in the crossfire.

"Baby,'s okay.." Louis whispered, already so exhausted. After having his family visit, cleaning up the aftermath and taking care of a two month old, things were hard and he really needed some sleep. Louis sighed softly as he gave Jackson his pacifier, only to have the little boy spit it out.

Louis swallowed thickly as he felt completely overwhelmed, sinking back against the wall, crying softly with Jackson. He just needed a break. No, he needed Harry.

Louis held Jackson close to his chest, pressing his face against his head, sobbing softly. In that moment, he realized something.

He had royally fucked up and he just might have lost Harry for good this time.

It Is What It Is (Larry Stylinson Mpreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now