Chapter 39

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Jackson was only seven months old on Christmas morning, so the chances of him running into their room to wake them up was slim. But next year may be a different story. Sure Jackson probably wouldn't remember this christmas or the next, but to Harry it was special. This was the first Christmas he was actually excited for. Jackson wouldn't know how to open presents or understand the whole concept of Santa, but this was his first Christmas. It was Harry's first Christmas with his little boy and he already knew it was going to be the best. Watching Jackson's eyes light up at all the bright lights, presents would be amazing. To top it all off, it had even snowed a little the night before. It would be Jackson's first time seeing snow and it really couldn't have come at a better time.

Casey and Niall were due to come over later after they had their morning together. Of course Harry would love to have her over as well, but Niall had asked to spend the morning with her and he wouldn't about to object to that. Christmas wasn't about fighting. It was about being around the ones you loved most. Besides, he would see Casey later and exchange gifts.

Harry yawned softly as he glanced over at the clock, a small sigh escaping his lips. It was already 8 and Jackson hadn't woke up yet which was odd. Lately the small boy had gotten on a bit of a sleep schedule. He would go to bed around 10 and sleep until about 7. Some nights he would wake up but only if he wasn't feeling the best.

Harry turned onto his side to look at Louis, a small smile on his lips as he watched his boyfriend sleep. He had such a calm and peaceful face when he was sleeping. It was honestly the cutest thing in the entire world. Harry leaned down and kissed his cheek before he climbed out of the bed. He pulled on his lilac jumper, walking down the hallway. Harry was about to wake his son up on Christmas morning and just the thought had him grinning like a mad man.

A year ago, Harry would never imagine he would be where he is right now. A year ago, he wasn't ready to be a dad. He was terrified at even the thought. Hell. He's still scared but he's learning. Harry wasn't the absolute perfect dad, but he did his best.

Harry bit his lip as he slowly opened Jackson's door, grinning when he saw his boy still sound asleep in his crib. "Jack?" He whispered, licking over his lips as he walked inside, standing in front of the crib. "Hi baby." Harry grinned, smiling largely when Jackson looked up at him with his big green eyes. Jackson had blue eyes when he was first born, but they had transformed into his own. Often it felt like he was looking in the mirror.

Harry grinned as he picked him up, holding him on his hip. "Merry Christmas." He cooed, kissing his cheek as he held him close. Jackson yawned loudly, rubbing at his eyes as he rested his head on his shoulder. He scrunched his face together, a small pout on his lips when a hat was placed on his head. Harry grinned at the little Santa hat that read 'My First Christmas'. "Please? At least let me get a few cute pictures with you in the hat in front of the tree." He tried to reason, grinning as he tickled his sides.

Jackson giggled happily, squirming around as he was carried out of the nursery back into their bedroom. Harry grinned as he put Jackson down on the bed beside Louis before he turned the radio on with of course Christmas music. He smiled as he sang along, reaching down and pulling the covers off him slowly.

"Cause I just want you here tonight

Holding on to me so tight

What more can I do?

'Cause baby all I want for Christmas is you

You, baby.."

Harry sang, grinning as he kissed all over Louis' face. "Wake up sleepyhead! It's Christmas!" He cheered, laughing softly as he pinched at his cheeks childishly. Jackson watched his daddies happily, giggling as he gnawed on the corner of his blanket.

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