Chapter 14

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That’s how Harry was identified as today. No longer Harry, he was just another inmate in the jail thanks to Liam. Liam had without a doubt, absolutely ruined his life. Sure, Harry was in the wrong for forcing himself onto Louis, but Liam had completely blown everything out of proportion. He did not rape Louis. Harry just really wished the police would believe him. 

“Styles, c’mon.” A big, bulky guard called out from in front of his cell, getting out his set of keys. Harry looked up at him, eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “What for?” He questioned as he remained seated on the metal bed, learning from his previous mistake of standing when a guard was coming in. 

“You’ve gotten visitors. Unless you don’t wanna see them.” The guard shrugged as he stepped inside, pulling Harry up forcefully. But Harry didn’t really mind all that much attention to the way he was pulled around like a rag doll. He was in jail and not a five star hotel. 

“Of course I want to see them.” Harry murmured, sighing quietly when he felt the guard handcuff him before guiding him out of his cell. “Do you know who they are?” He asked quietly, already having a gut feeling as to who it was. 

“Erm, two guys, one girl I think.” Harry bit his lip but nodded as he was led to the visitors center, knowing the rules fairly well. He had been in jail once or twice before but only for public intoxication. Nothing massive. He would stay for 2, maybe 3 days top. But, Harry’s already been here for a week. 

Harry took a seat across from the three chairs set up, sighing as he felt his ankles being handcuffed to the legs of the metal chair to prevent him from escaping. “No touching.” The guard said sternly before he left the room to retrieve the visitors. 

Harry was confused to be honest. He was almost 99.9% sure that two of the three would be Gemma and Louis, but who was the third? Surely it wasn’t Liam? No, Harry didn’t think that Louis would allow him. Maybe Zayn? Why would he come though?

Harry was interrupted from his thoughts by the loud buzz of the siren, signaling the visitors were coming. He sat up a bit straighter, scratching the back of his neck with a soft sigh. Harry just didn’t look good whatsoever. He was losing weight like crazy because prison food absolutely sucked. His eyes were dull and his cheeks were starting to draw in. Harry looked like death. 

But when he saw Louis and Gemma, a small smile grew on his face. Louis looked beautiful as ever. Little Jackson was growing rapidly and would be here soon. Just the thought alone, made his smile disappear because he didn’t know if he was gonna be outta here by the time Jackson arrived. Two months until his due date. That was it. 

Louis took his seat beside Gemma, staying deathly silent. That was odd.

It was Gemma who broke the silence. 

“I don’t like seeing you like this.” Gemma murmured, motioning towards his orange jumpsuit. 

Harry pursed his lips as he looked down at the jumpsuit, shrugging his shoulders. “Orange never really was my color, huh?” He asked with a small smile, sighing as he drummed his fingers along the metal table, watching Louis closely. “How are you and Jackson doing?” Harry asked softly.

Louis swallowed down the lump in his throat, picking at the hem of his sweater nervously. “We’re doing good. He’s kicking a lot now.” He admitted, reaching up and wiping at his eyes, sniffling softly. “I-I miss you Harry..” 

“But you have me now, right babe?” A familiar voice asked as he snuck up behind them, taking the empty chair beside Louis, wrapping his arm around his waist. 

“Liam? The hell?” Harry asked with wide eyes, hurt flashing across his eyes. But he shouldn’t feel hurt, should he? 

Fuck yes, he should. 

Liam was the reason he was in jail and now he was with Louis? 

Hell no.

But it all made sense now. 

Liam wanted to get rid of Harry so he could weasel his way to Louis. 


“Louis and I are dating now.” Liam stated, tugging the smaller boy into his side. Louis closed his eyes, reaching up and wiping at his eyes. He didn’t look happy whatsoever. 

Harry looked up at Gemma who was looking at him with a sad expression, shaking her head. He was just beyond confused. 

“What are you talking about?” Harry questioned, looking up when the guard came over. 

“Alright Styles, you’re free to go. All the charges against you have been dropped.” The guard explained, uncuffing his ankles. “I’ll take you up to your cell so you can get all your belongings." 

Liam smiled slightly as he glanced down at Louis, pecking his lips gently. “C’mon love. We need to go shopping for the little one.” He said softly, placing a hand over Louis’ stomach. 

Harry wanted to puke. He knew that Liam was doing that just to get to him. Harry really just wanted to reach across the table and choke him.

Louis whimpered softly, his bottom lip trembling as he stood up, reaching down and grabbing Liam’s hand, tugging him towards the exit. He couldn’t hardly bare to see Harry right now. But he was doing the right thing. If he dated Liam, Harry would be free. That’s what Liam had promised.

Harry watched with watery eyes as Liam and Louis left, shaking his head quickly. "Th-That's not right.." He whispered, looking over at Gemma who just nodded in agreement.

"I know Harry, I know, but you have to believe me. He is only doing this because it's the best thing for you." Gemma tried to explain, but she herself wasn't still fully on board with everything. It just wasn't right.

But at her words, everything clicked.

Everything made sense to Harry now. 

It was as clear as day what had happened. 

Liam had blackmailed Louis. 

((I really, really, reaaallllllyyyyyy hate Liam right now, aha! Thanks for reading! Vote, Comment, Follow!!xxxx))

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