Character Answers!

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-What do you plan on doing to protect Louis and your son from Liam?

Any and everything I can. Louis and Jackson are my world. I’ll keep them safe from Liam or any sort of harm until the day I die. 

-I’m so happy you’re gonna give me a grandson my little frog son! Are you and Louis gonna have more babies after your son is born?

More babies? Don’t know about that. We’ll have to wait and see how things go with Jackson. But I mean, if he wants another baby, how can I oblige?

-Hi lovely, you’re amazing.

You’re amazing.xx

-Harry there is something important you forgot when you took Louis on that motorcycle, his bag was still in that car!

Shit, did I really? He can just wear some of my clothes anyway. He really does look quite adorable in my sweaters. 


-What does it feel to be so perfect? 

Perfect? Nah, I’m not a barbie doll. 

-How do you feel about Liam?

Liam was just trying to do what he thought was best for me and Jackson but he completely went overboard with everything. He got Harry arrested, then blackmailed me and I’ll never be able to fully forgive him again. 

-Why are you so cute?

Beach whales are cute nowadays? 

-Why do you think Liam just turned from a best friend to a fuckface? 

Liam’s always been protective over me since well….that’s not important. 

-Babe, you’re cute.

Why does everyone keep saying that? 


-Why do you want to be with Louis so bad?

I do not want to be with Louis. I just want to make sure he is safe, is that so wrong? 

-Why can’t you just let him and Harry be happy with THEIR son? 

That punk is just the sperm donor. That’s it. Do I need to remind you that Harry left Louis when he first told him? Now he wants to weasel his way back into his life? No. Not gonna happen. 

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