Chapter 2

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Harry looked over at Liam with a raised eyebrow. "Do you mind? I was leaving."

Liam scoffed and pushed Harry's shoulder, causing the curly-haired lad to stumble back inside.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Harry hissed, glaring at him. Who the hell did this kid think he was? Harry had heard of Liam before and he knew Louis and him were good friends, but still. Harry had done nothing to him personally.

Liam laughed bitterly, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "My problem? My problem is you and how much of a dick head you are." He said bluntly.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I'm a dick head?"

Liam nodded as he glanced up the stairs. "You have gotten to be the biggest dick head I've ever met in my life! You should at least have enough respect for the man that is carrying your child! You are pathetic!"

Harry huffed as he looked down at his feet, knowing Liam was right. But he would never admit it. Especially not to Liam. He barely knew the guy! "This is none of your business." Harry murmured, shaking his head.

Liam scoffed as he looked at Harry, pointing up the stairs. "Louis is my best friend. He comes to me whenever he needs anything. And trust me. I do not. Do not like to get in people's business, but when my best friend calls me in the middle of the night, crying his eyes out because he doesn't know where he's next meal is coming from!? Yeah! It becomes my fucking business!" Liam shouted, fuming at Harry.

Harry's eyes widened slightly and he licked over his now dry lips. "What do you mean?" He asked quietly, a strange feeling of guilt settling in the pit of his stomach.

Liam scoffed and shook his head. "You don't even deserve to know." He muttered, turning around to go up the stairs.

Harry narrowed his eyes at Liam, grabbing his arm. "Tell me what the hell you are talking about."

"L-Li..h-he needs t-to know.." A small voice from the top of the stairs said shakily.

Harry glanced up at the stairs, biting down on his lower lip gently. Louis was very pregnant and in Harry's opinion? Very gorgeous. Harry didn't even really know why he had left Louis in the first place. It wasn't because he wasn't attracted to him. Because he was. He was very attracted to him. Louis was Harry's first official 'boyfriend'. Wasn't just a fuck and go. Harry genuinely liked Louis. Still does. Harry just got scared. Being a father this young? Harry couldn't do it. But Harry didn't want to be like his own father. Harry's own father was never around and when he was? He was drunk. Harry didn't want that for his own child.

Louis sniffled as he wrapped his arms around his stomach, walking down the stairs slowly.

Liam met him about halfway, wrapping his arm around his waist, watching him carefully, making sure he wouldn't fall.

Harry closed his eyes for a moment, before he went up a few stairs.

"You stay the hell away from him. Haven't you done enough?" Liam huffed, placing his hand over Louis' stomach. To say Harry was jealous? Understatement. That was his child. Not Liam's.

"Li...please.." Louis whispered, frowning softly as he looked down at the ground.

Harry looked down at Louis, sighing softly. "May I speak with you? Alone?" He muttered, glancing over at Liam.

Liam shook his head immediately, tightening his grip around Louis' small waist.

Louis glanced up at Harry, rubbing over his bump gently. "J-Just for a minute." He whispered. Louis was genuinely curious as to what he was wanting to talk about.

Liam frowned and looked down at Louis hesitantly before releasing his grip. "Fine. But I swear..I'll fucking kill you if you harm a hair on his head." He murmured, before going down the stairs.

Harry watched him before looking at Louis. "Can we go in your room?" He asked quietly, carefully placing his hand in the small of his back.

Louis whimpered softly, secretly craving the comforting touch as he nodded slowly. "Just..don't hurt the baby.." Louis said softly, looking down at his feet.

Harry frowned and swallowed thickly. "I won't. I'm sorry for doing that. It was just in the heat of the moment." He admitted before walking towards his room.

Louis nodded slowly, holding up his pinky, looking up at Harry with soft eyes. "Pinky promise?" He asked shyly, blushing softly.

A soft smile grew on Harry's face as he knew they used to do that all the time. Pinkie promises were their thing. They did it for any and everything you could imagine. Harry held out his pinky, wrapping it around Louis' smaller one. "Pinky promise." He confirmed with a smile, kissing his temple gently.

Louis blushed even deeper, hiding his face in Harry's neck, unable to prevent the large smile from forming on his face. Maybe things will work out for him for once. 

Sorry for such the wait! Was on a trip with no phone service!😢 Hope you enjoy! Vote, Comment, Follow! I follow back! Thanks lovelies!xxx

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