Chapter 24

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"Awh, he has your hair!" Gemma grinned, looking down at the small boy that Louis was feeding. She had to watch what she said considering the fact that she knows about Casey. Gemma glanced over at Niall, sighing softly.

The blonde haired boy looked happy but she could see the hurt in his eyes. It would have to be hard, she was sure. Harry was here, supporting Louis and Jackson, but not Niall whenever he had Casey. In Harry's defense though, he didn't have the slightest clue that Casey even existed. It wasn't his fault, was it?

Harry grinned proudly as he looked down at Jackson, running his thumb across his cheek. "He's just perfect in every little way. He scrunches his nose when he yawns and the most adorable sigh escapes his lips." He said softly, fond written all over his face. How his dad ever mistreated him was beyond him. Harry hadn't even known Jackson for a few hours and he couldn't imagine ever hurting him like his own dad had done to him endless times before.

Louis smiled as he looked down at Jackson, pulling the bottle back hesitantly, handing it off to Harry. "I can't believe we made something so beautiful. He's worth the wait." He whispered, glancing up at Niall. "Wanna hold him Ni?"

Niall looked down at Jackson and shook his head, smiling slightly. "I erm, actually have to get going. Mum needs me." He said softly, grabbing his jacket. Maura actually didn't need him. Casey needed him. "Congrats. He is beautiful."

Louis frowned slightly but nodded as he put Jackson up on his shoulder to burp him. "Okay. We'll see you soon." He said softly, patting the newborn's back.

Niall nodded, waving them off before he left, a shaky sigh escaping his lips.

Harry glanced over at Gemma and bit his lip nervously. "I have to go fill out his birth certificate. Wanna come with?" He asked curiously.

Gemma nodded. "Yeah, I would love that." She admitted, grabbing her purse.

Harry smiled as he glanced down at Louis, kissing his forehead. "You'll be okay?" He asked, always being wary of leaving him alone since Liam was still around.

Louis nodded, humming softly as he held Jackson to his chest, rocking him gently. "Yeah, I'll be fine. We both will be." He whispered, cooing softly.

Harry smiled as he looked down at his son, kissing his little button nose carefully. "Daddy will be back soon." He whispered, smiling largely. "I love you." Harry reminded, leaning over and kissing Louis' lips gently.

Louis smiled as he kissed him softly. "I love you too." He whispered, sighing out softly in content as he watched Harry and Gemma walk out of the room.

Gemma looked over at Harry, smiling slightly. "So how does it feel? To be a dad?" Again? But she didn't dare utter the word. Gemma wasn't gonna be the one to tell Harry. Niall would have to do that.

Harry looked down at her and smiled largely. "It's the best feeling in the entire world. He's beautiful and healthy. I have my love back, what could possibly go wrong?" He whispered, stuffing in his pockets.

"There he is officers! Arrest him on the spot!" A familiar accent spoke from down the hallway.

Harry turned around in his spot, his eyes widening at the sight of Liam along with several police officers behind him. "Get the hell out of here! You aren't welcome around my family." He nearly growled, stepping towards him.

Liam scoffed as he looked over at him. "You aren't good enough for a family. You're gonna abuse him just like your daddy."

"Shut the fuck up! You don't know a god damn thing about me or my life! You're just jealous because I have Louis and you don't. He loves me and not you. He had my baby and not yours." Harry spat, his eyes outraged. He really wanted to beat him to a bloody pulp but he couldn't. Police were right there and his son was just born. This was supposed to be a great day.

"I know you'll hurt him and he doesn't deserve a no good, deadbeat dad like you. He deserves someone like me. Someone who will actually be there for him." Liam smirked, looking over at him.

Gemma grabbed Harry's arms, sighing softly. "Harry, take a deep breath and just walk away. You're better than this." She whispered, trying to pull him back.

Liam smirked as he watched him. "You're not better than me. You never will be. You'll be worth just as much as your daddy was. Didn't he kill himself? Even he couldn't put up with you."

Harry just kinda snapped. Liam was talking about something that he didn't even have the slightest clue about and it was really starting to piss him off. "Fuck off!" Harry screamed as he charged at him, the police restraining him quickly.

"Mr.Styles you are already getting charged with kidnapping, do you want assault added?" An officer questioned, looking over at him.

"Kidnapping? I didn't kidnap anyone! You can ask him! He went with me willingly to get away from that asshole! He made Louis 'date' him so I would get released from jail, dropping the bogus rape claims that never even happened! If anyone should be in handcuffs, it should be him." Harry spat, glaring at Liam.

Liam shook his head as he looked over at him, crossing his arms over his chest. "I did no such thing. It's not my fault he realized how much better I was." He lied, shrugging as he looked over at the officers. "Go ahead and take him in so I can be with my boyfriend and baby."

Gemma shook her head as she watched Liam, the police beginning to walk away with Harry. Then she remembered something. Gemma chased after them, shaking her head as she held her phone up.

"Hold the fuck up."

(Two updates in one day, yay! Hope you enjoyed! Vote, Comment and Share! Thanks for reading lovelies!xxx)

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