Chapter 27

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Ever since the talk he had with Gemma and Niall, Harry really has been thinking. Casey wasn't asked to be brought into the world. Hell, he didn't even have the slightest clue that she existed. But then again...Casey was already pretty much raised. Jackson was just brought into the world a few days ago and he would need all the love and support he could get. Casey knew Niall. Not Harry. Harry sighed as he sat in the waiting room, looking over at Gemma. "This is the right thing, right?" He asked quietly, glancing over at her. All Harry wanted was to just take Louis and Jackson home. He didn't need all this right now. 

Gemma looked over at Harry and nodded, placing her hand on his thigh, squeezing gently. "It's the right thing to do." She confirmed, smiling as she kissed his cheek. "Everything is gonna work out just fine baby bro. Don't worry." Gemma said softly, taking a sip of her tea. 

Harry sighed, his leg bouncing nervously. "I hope so. Fuck, I really hope so." He whispered, feeling physically sick because if things didn't go right? 

He was gonna lose both Louis and Jackson. 


Niall bit his bottom lip nervously as he walked into Louis' room, smiling slightly. "How is everything going?" He asked quietly, taking the now empty seat beside him. Where had Liam gone off too? 

Louis looked over at Niall and smiled slightly. "Things could be better, but I'm not gonna complain. I have a beautiful, happy and healthy baby boy." He said softly, pulling the blankets up to his chest further. 

Niall smiled as he looked over at Jackson who was asleep in his bassinet. "Yeah, I remember this." He muttered, not even realizing what he was saying honestly. 

Louis furrowed his eyebrows confusedly. "How do you remember this?" He asked, not knowing what he meant. How could Niall remember something like this if he didn't have a baby? 

Niall blushed and shook his head, taking a shaky breath. It's now or never. "No, when my daughter was born.." He admitted. 

Louis gasped as he sat up in bed quickly, wincing at the pull in his stomach. Damn stitches. "You have a daughter?! Who! When?!" He all but screamed, not understanding why his best friend wouldn't tell him something huge like that. 

Niall nodded, reaching up and pushing on his shoulders to get him to lay back down. "Yes, I have a little girl but I need to talk to you, okay? You need to just relax." He muttered, not knowing how Louis was gonna handle this. 

Louis furrowed his eyebrows as he laid back, nodding. "Okay..." He whispered slowly, clasping his hands together in his lap. "Tell me." 

Niall took a deep breath before he began to talk. "A couple of years ago...I went to a party. It was crazy. Lots of alcohol." He breathed, licking over his lips. "It was like a week after you and Harry had got in a relationship, but he was there." Niall muttered, watching Louis' face closely. "We were both drinking and I don't remember much about that night except for in the morning, I woke up with a curly haired boy laying beside me.." 

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