Chapter 31

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After what Louis had said earlier, Harry had kinda just avoided him. He knew if Louis started something, he would say something he didn't mean. But then again...didn't Louis deserve it? Louis was being an absolute dick. Yes, he knew he wasn't there for Louis or Jackson in the beginning but he was here now. Shouldn't that count for something? Apparently not to him.

Harry smiled sadly as he looked down at Jackson, running his thumb across his cheek. "You're so cute." He whispered, grinning as he made sure his hair stayed up in a little mohawk. "They don't make baby hairspray do they?" Harry cooed, smiling as he kissed his forehead.

"No, Harry they don't. Hairspray has chemicals in it. Chemicals are bad for babies. Didn't you finish school?" Louis retorted as he walked downstairs, his arms crossed over his chest.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows at Louis' snide remark, a small sigh escaping his lips. "Actually I didn't because I had to pick up another job to support you and Jackson." He answered flatly, standing up and walking towards him. "Wait, lemme guess. Liam finished school and provided you with everything you both needed, right?" Harry asked before he could stop himself.

Louis narrowed his eyes at him, scoffing quietly. "Liam gave me emotional support. Something you just can't seem to get right." He snapped. Louis was just in a pissy mood. His best friend has just died and Harry couldn't seem to give a fuck. Louis knew Liam was crazy but still. That was his practical brother. Harry could show some sort of respect.

Harry rolled his eyes, looking at him. "Where is Liam at right now, huh? Liam was running from the police because he is an absolute psycho! He blackmailed you for fuck sake Louis! He deserves to be dead!"

"Shut up! He was doing all that to keep me safe! Keep me the hell away from you!" Louis screamed which caused Jackson to burst into a fit of tears.

Harry shook his head as he picked Jackson up, shushing the boy gently. "Just shut up Louis. Seriously. He has completely brainwashed you. Liam was only looking out for Liam! He used Niall, hell! Used my own sister just to get closer to you! He was fucking obsessed with you Louis! What in the hell happened to the guy who was wanting to do any and everything he could to keep Jack away from him? What, you want to run back to Liam now? Liam is dead Louis. Gone. He is not ever coming back. Get that out of your head." He scoffed, shaking his head.

Louis' eyes widened slightly at his words, drawing his hand back as he smacked him roughly across the cheek. "Stop talking about him like you're the greatest thing ever! You're not! You are the biggest dick I have ever met in my whole fucking life! Liam cared about me! I would pick Liam over you anyday." He sneered, hot angry tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Fuck you." Harry swallowed thickly, shaking his head as he turned around, grabbing his keys and jacket. He was not going to stand around and let Louis say things like that.

Louis scoffed, wiping at his eyes. "Yeah, fucking run away from your family!"

"My family? You expect me to sit here and take all your shit? Fuck that. I'll come back when you have your shit together." Harry replied, walking towards the door, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of Jay and all the kids.

Fuck. He had completely forgotten. "Oh, uh. Hey guys." He murmured, knowing they all probably hate him since he left Louis when he was pregnant.

Jay smiled slightly, looking at him before she walked inside. "Hi love, where is my grand baby?" She asked, ready to meet little Jackson.

Harry was getting ready to walk back inside but Louis was already walking towards his family with the small boy. "He's right here mum. Jackson or Jack Paul Tomlinson." Louis announced with a proud smile, turning his back to Harry as he ushered his family in.

Harry frowned even deeper when he realized that he didn't use his last name like he should have. What in the hell has gotten into him? Harry rubbed at his eyes as he slipped out the door, knowing he wasn't wanted. So he went somewhere he knew he was wanted. The only place he was wanted. Gemma's.

Gemma answered the door confusedly. "Haz, wasn't you supposed to meet Louis' family today?" She asked quietly.

Harry sniffled and shook his head, reaching out and hugging her tightly. "I don't know what is wrong with him Gem. H-He keeps throwing everything up in my face, wishing Liam was there for him and not me. H-He's gonna t-take my son away from me!" He cried, clinging to her tightly. "G-Gem, he can't take h-him away from me!" Harry practically sobbed. He really didn't understand what he had done so wrong. Harry didn't like Liam and that would never change. But why in the hell was Louis so defensive about Liam?

Gemma's eyes widened and she hugged him tightly, rubbing his back. "Noah, Woah. Slow down and don't jump to conclusions. Did he tell you this?" She asked quietly. Gemma knew Liam was dead and she was glad but she was still respectful.

Harry nodded quickly, reaching up and rubbing at his eyes. "Yeah. Said I-I don't give him e-emotional support, but I-I've been there! I-I've straightened out!" He whimpered, shaking his head as he pulled back, hiccuping quietly.

Gemma sighed, cupping his face and rubbing his eyes. "Please, calm down. I'm sure he'll get over this. You just have to give him some time. They were best friends at one point. Just chill."

Harry shook his head, sighing quietly. "I'm gonna go see Niall and maybe he'll let me do something with Casey. I just...I wanna be a dad. And I really think he is gonna try and keep him away from me." He whispered, rubbing his face. "Maybe I can take her somewhere or something."

Gemma frowned as she looked over at him, shaking his head. "I really think you just need to lay down and think things through." She murmured.

Harry shook his head, kissing her cheek. "If Louis doesn't want a family with me, I'll go and be a family with Niall."

"Harry, you are talking crazy now." Gemma frowned, shaking her head as she looked at him.

Harry shook his head, smiling softly. "No, you've just helped me see things a lot clearer. Thank you." He smiled before he left, driving toward Niall's house.

It Is What It Is (Larry Stylinson Mpreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now