Chapter Thirty Four

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Michael' POV

"Where's Diana?" Wondered Luke.

I hadn't realized that she had been gone for so long until I glanced at the clock. Seven minutes. She had been getting her textbook for seven minutes now. It doesn't take that long to get a textbook, especially not with our lockers so close to the cafeteria.

"She should be back by now..." I trailed off, getting up from my seat at our table. "I'll be back guys."

"I'm sure she's fine Mickey." Calum assured me as I walked away.

I knew I shouldn't be so worried about Diana right now, but I had this nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was the kind of feeling you get when someone you cared about was hurt, but you had no reason to believe that they would actually be hurt.

As I turned the corner of the hallway to our lockers someone ran right into my shoulder. I looked up and recognized him to be Tyler. He was glaring at me.

"Watch it." He growled. I just rolled my eyes and continued walking. I hate that kid. When I first moved here with the guys he made fun of our accents. I think he was just jealous that all of the girls at school loved the accent, but that's just me.

At the end of the hallway was a small figure slumped against the lockers. She wasn't crying. She was simply looking at the wall across from her. It was as blank as the look on her face. I have no idea what happened or why she is just sitting on the floor, but I intend on finding out.

I slowly walked to her. "Diana?" There was no response. She didn't even flinch. I slid down the lockers until I was on the ground with her. "Diana?" I said with more concern, turning to face her. Still no response. I slowly and carefully turned her head to face me, afraid I would brake her if I was too harsh. "Hey, what happened? What's wrong?" Again, she ignored my presence as if I were nonexistent. Her eyes were facing my direction, but they looked right through me. It was like her mind was detached from her body. It was scaring me and I wasn't sure what to do.

"Diana, please tell me what's going on." I pleaded. This time she leaned her head on my shoulder and took a deep breath. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and listened to the sound of her breathing, in and out, in and out. After a few minutes of silence she spoke up.

"They think I'm lying." She said.

"Who thinks you're lying?" I asked.

"The whole school. Tyler just told me that they all think I'm lying for attention."

"They don't matter Diana. I matter, okay? Calum, Luke, and Ashton matter. The people who want to help you matter. Everyone else doesn't." I told her.

"But they do Michael. I know they shouldn't, but they do. Don't ask me why because I don't know. I don't know why I'm so effected by what everyone thinks of me. Maybe its because I want to be normal and fit in again, like I used to. They all look at me like a stranger now. Like I'm not supposed to be here or like I don't deserve to walk in the same halls they do or live in the same town. It all makes me feel so lost and alone. I used to have friends Michael. I used to do stupid teenager-type stuff. After all of this, after my life decided to break into a billion pieces that can't be glued back together, I don't even know who I am. I've lost so much and out of all the things I've lost, I think I've lost myself the most. And the fact that the people I used to consider my friends now think I'm a liar and a fake just makes that more apparent to me."

"You haven't lost yourself. You've just changed. Its okay to change who you are sometimes. You grew up faster than you should have and although that's not right and you shouldn't have had to grow up so fast you did. All of these people that you're so worried about just haven't grown up yet, that's all. You made it this far Diana and I am going to be here for you from now on and make sure that you will be okay. I am going to be your support when you need it. I am going to be your stupidly funny friend when you're upset. I am going to get through this with you, okay?" I promised while searching her eyes for any sign of emotion.

She barely nodded her head, but it was something. "Why are you willing to go though all of this with me? Most people would have given up by now and left."

"Because." I started and then paused before continuing. "Because you deserve better. I want to help you get what you deserve Diana. I want to see you be happy for more than just a few minutes at a time. I want to know what it looks like when you're so happy that you don't even know what to do with yourself. I can't stand seeing you so upset all of the time. It honestly kills me to know how much you're hurting inside."

She looked at me with wide eyes, stunned. She opened her mouth to say something but I crashed my lips against hers before she could say anything. I was afraid she was going to tell me that she was hopeless and that I should give up on her like everybody else had. But I wanted to be different. I want to be the one to pull her out of this rough patch.


Diana's POV

He kissed me. I didn't know what to do so I didn't do anything at first. I think it was a few seconds until I finally responded and moved my lips with his, but I can't be sure. The kiss didn't last long. He pulled away and when he did I just stared at him like I had after he told me he wanted to see me happy. I don't even remember what I was going to say to him because I was caught so off guard by his kiss.

He blushed under my stare and quickly licked his lips. "Sorry, I just had to do that."

I gave him a shy smile as I felt my own cheeks heat up. "It just surprised me, that's all."

"I'm serious you know. I'm not going to give up on you. No matter what." He said again.

"No matter what?" I wanted to hear him say it again so I knew that my mind wasn't playing tricks on me.

"You're stuck with me Diana Mathews. No matter what." He confirmed.

We sat in a somewhat awkward silence until the bell rang to end lunch. I picked up my language arts textbook from the floor and stood up. Michael stood up as well and gave me small smile, rocking on his heels and running a hand through his fading red hair.

"Let's go to class, yeah?" I suggested.

"Um, yeah." He agreed.

As we walked to class everything Michael had told me played on repeat in my mind. I wanted to believe that he would be able to help me and make me happier. But I had my doubts. I'm not sure if Michael will be enough to keep me from breaking for good. I'm going to let him try, but I can't guarantee that I won't fall apart before I even get close to the happiness he wants me to feel.



Let me start off by saying that I am a horrible human being for taking so long to update. I know I'm really slow with them but I keep getting writers block and its hard to find time to actually write. But I also want to try and make the chapters the best they can be instead of rushing them to get them out to you guys sooner. I hope you all understand what I mean and I want to thank all of you for sticking with my delayed updates.

This chapter was also a filler but it needs to be done for the big thing I have planned and it was really short so please don't hate me. I know I keep mentioning this "big thing" and I cant wait to get to it and it will be happening in, like, three or fourish chapters so het excited and tell me what you think will happen! I really want to hear from some of you!



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