Chapter Ninteen

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Diana's Dad's POV

I heard the click of the door as someone from the outside unlocked it. I rushed to stuff the letter I was reading in between the couch cushions where I had been hiding it as I swiped a finger under my eyes to collect the moisture the letter had caused.

I had to look composed and in control when Diana came back into my house. I had to make sure she would obey me. She wasn't going to end up like her mother; I'm not going to let that happen. I didn't care if she hated me as long as I protected her. If protecting her meant hurting her, then so be it.

The door slowly whined opened with an eerie creaking sound as my daughter stepped into the house. She was looking at the ground as if she were afraid to see what could be in front of her. As if he was afraid to look at me and see the monster I have become to her.

No. I'm not a monster. I am protecting her from the evil in the world. Like I couldn't do with her mother, with my beloved Courtney.

I stood up from the couch and began to walk towards Diana. "Where the hell where you?!"

She didn't look up from the ground, but I could still see her cringe in disgust at me. It hurt knowing that she was afraid of me. She didn't understand why I suddenly became so hostile towards her and she probably never will because everything is different between us now.

"I needed to get away from here. Away from you." She trembled while taking a step back from me.

Hearing her say that made something deep within me ache. It was a feeling that disgusted me and could only be dulled by the alcohol I so frequently drink now. It was a feeling that reminded me how much I actually care for her. It reminded me of how close we used to be. It reminded me of all the laughs we shared.

It reminded me of before her mother's death. Before the letter that was left behind telling us both why she did it. The letter that I would never let Diana read. It was dark and horrifying. It's why I am how I am to Diana now. It made me realize how dangerous this world is and that I have to do anything I can to protect my daughter from it.

"Why would you need to get away from me? So you could go sleep with that boy who was here?" I accused her.

"No! I swear that's not why!"

"Then why did you have to get away and where did you go?!" I interrogated while raising my voice.

She didn't respond so I asked again. "Where did you go and why did you want to leave here so badly?!"

"I-I went to M-Michael's flat. I couldn't stay here wh-when you were how you were." She stuttered.

She just didn't understand how bad this situation was. I couldn't let her go to someone's house that she barely knew. I couldn't let her be alone with any boys. I needed to keep her safe, away from any danger. I needed to scare her into staying here and not going anywhere else.

"Why would you do that?! Did you tell him that I was a drunk?!" It still pissed me off that she thought of me this way. I know I drink more that I used to, but I'm not a drunk. I don't hit her because I drink, I do to scare her. I do it to make her think that every single person in this world is bad.

"I did it because of you!" She yelled, finally meeting my gaze. Her eyes were glossed with water that threatened to spill onto her face and there was a prominent bruise on her left cheek. The bruise was darker than the last one she had. I didn't mean to hit her as hard as I did and I got that aching feeling in my chest again at the thought of what I had done to my baby girl.

"Why would you run away to him because of me?! Have I taught you nothing?!"

"You've only taught me that the man I used to look up to is a coward who can't face reality! That you cope with things by drinking yourself to sleep and smacking your only child around like a punching bag! The only thing I have learned from you is that I can't live like this any longer!" She admitted as the tears that were in her eyes vanished and melted into pure anger.

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