Chapter Eigteen

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Diana's POV

Ashton and I were near the ending of The Lion King when his phone started to vibrate on the coffee table. He paused the movie and I watched from my end of the couch as he picked his phone up to see who was interrupting our movie day.

He put the phone to his ear and paused to hear what the other person was saying. "Shit! I didn't realize what time it was!" He replied into the receiver of the phone after I heard someone yell at him through the small speakers.

"I'll be right there, I promise...Yes, she is still here...We were just watching Disney movies...Yes I can bring her with me to pick you guys up...Yes, I can do that...Alright, bye." He rambled while gathering his jacket, shoes, and keys.

"Was that Michael?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"Yeah, it was. School was let out ten minutes ago. We obviously lost track of time." he confirmed.

"What was he asking about?"

"He wanted to make sure you were okay. He also asked me if you wanted a ride back to your house now or if you would rather stay here a bit longer." he explained.

"I can go get my things real quick if you'd like? I shouldn't stay longer than I need to." I offered.

"Are you sure you want to go back to your house? Whatever happened there seemed pretty serious." He asked while shooting me a concerned glance.

"I'm sure. I have to deal with it eventually, right?" I sighed.

He reluctantly nodded in understanding. "Well, you're always welcome back here, okay?"

"Thank you Ashton." I said before running into Michael's room to grab my bag.

When I walked back into the living room Ashton had his jacket and shoes on waiting. He opened the door and followed me into the hallway. We walked to his car and I sat shotgun as he buckled himself into the driver's seat. He pulled the car out of the building's parking lot and onto the main roads, heading for the small town's high school.


Michael's POV

"How long has it been since he said they were on their way?" Complained Calum as he and Luke shivered in the cool fall air, me being the only sensible one in a jacket.

"I called about ten minutes ago." I replied, taking a seat on the curb.

"He should be here by now then." Luke whined flopping down next to me.

"Maybe they ran into traffic." I theorized.

"In this small town? I highly doubt it." Calum scoffed as he kicked around a small rock to entertain himself.

"They'll probably be here any minute now."

"How do you know for sure?" Asked Luke, obviously irritated with Ashton's lack of time management.

"Because, as I said, they left about ten minutes ago. It takes, like, ten minutes to get here." I explained.

"If they aren't here soon I'm going to hot wire the principal's car and drive home in that." Calum revealed as he kicked the rock down the parking lot's sewer drain.

"I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm pretty sure you don't know how to hot wire a car." Luke pointed out.

"Yes I do." Said Calum matter-of-factly.

"Oh really?" Questioned Luke with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, really."

"And how exactly did you learn to do this?"

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