Chapter Thirty One

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I was looking through my pictures from my one direction concert and I saw this one that I took when 5sos opened and it made me really happy.

Diana's POV

Thanks Giving had passed and I was back at school. The break had started the first Monday I was out from my concussion so I didn't miss much and it only lasted for that week. I had been given the all clear about my concussion from my doctor over the break as well as getting more things from my house to stay at Michael's.

We had to go get the things from my house before my dad got back though. I still couldn't believe that my dad had managed to pay his bail money and afford a decent lawyer who was willing to defend him when his court date comes up. It was scheduled to happen in about two months and of course I'm expected to appear on the stand as a witness. I was already dreading everyday leading up to court, but I had no choice.

The defense attorney assigned to the case has made it mandatory for me to come to the police station to help prepare me for when I go on the witness stand. We haven't met yet, but we will after school today.

"Hey! How have you been?" Asked Sarah when she saw me heading to my first period class.

I faked a smile, not in the mood to be anywhere except a place to sleep and forget about everything for a while. "Oh, you know. The usual stuff."

"So your dad getting arrested is usual?" She deadpanned causing me to stop dead in my tracks and face her.

"What did you just say?" I lowered my voice.

"My dad is a police officer. He heard your name floating around the precinct and found out what happened." She explained.

"Right, I forgot he was a police officer. How much do you know?" I was worried she would tell other people what was going on. She had a bad habit of twisting the truth and spreading it around.

She thought for a quick minute. "Well, I know that your dad got arrested for abusing you and he has paid his bail money. They have a court date for two months away I think and he is pleading not guilty."

"I didn't know he was pleading that way. Does he really think a jury won't prosecute him. There's enough evidence isn't there?" I rambled. If I thought I was panicked before I had no idea what I would call myself now.

"He has some story about how he did it all to protect you and keep you safe. He also said something about you not telling anyone because you didn't care what he was doing to you."

"That's a lie! He wasn't protecting me and I told him to stop hurting me!" I defended myself.

"But you never told anyone what was happening until it got really bad, did you?" She questioned. I suddenly felt like she was on my dad's side. I felt like she was trying to make me say that I didn't care even though I did. I really don't know how I'm going to survive being questioned on the witness stand by a lawyer if I can't even handle my best friend asking me a few petty questions.

"No, but-" I started to say.

"But what? You felt bad for him? You didn't want to hurt him? You were afraid of him? You didn't know what to do? What's your excuse? You could have told me you know! I was your best friend! I tried to be there for you, but you lied to me! You weren't sick when you were absent for so long and when I showed up at your house you even made me fall for your stupid lie! It was like you were trying to protect your dad! He beat you and you were trying to protect him! It doesn't make any sense Diana!" She started to yell in the middle of the hallway, causing a lot of bystanders to stop and listen in on our argument.

"What do you mean 'was my best friend'?" I asked, hoping it was a mistake she had used the past tense.

"I mean I can't be friends with someone who lies to me because they're trying to protect their father who happens to be beating them! It makes me sick to hear what he did to you and I thought you could explain everything and tell me that I heard a different story and you weren't trying to protect him, but I was wrong! I really didn't want it to be like this you know. We're here so we can help each other! We're supposed to tell each other everything Diana! Everything! And you couldn't even find a way to tell me about this?!" She raged.

I didn't know how to react, so I ran away from the girl I used to know as my best friend. I ran into someone's shoulder and didn't even look up before continuing my sprint. I didn't know where I was going until I pushed the door of the girls' bathroom open and sank to the floor in the farthest corner from the door. I put my head in my hands and tried to calm down and think about what had just happened.

My head shot up at the sound of the bathroom door swinging open. I almost laughed when I saw that it was Michael and remembered that we were in the girls' bathroom. He walked over to me with a worried look on his face, kneeling down next to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and rubbed his thumb in small circles.

"You should really watch where you're going next time you run in the hallway." He attempted to joke. Apparently I had bumped into him.

"Yeah, sorry." My voice was dull.

"What happened? I saw you talking to Sarah and then you just ran."

I honestly didn't want to sit here and talk about my problems. "It's a long story."

"Then tell me the short version." He pushed.

"Her dad is a cop. He told her my dad was arrested and she decided that because I didn't tell her what he was doing to me that I was trying to protect my dad and we are no longer friends." I summed up with a deep sigh as I leaned my head against the wall, letting reality sink in.

He waved his hand like it didn't matter. "You don't need her anyway."

"We were best friends for practically my whole life Michael. And I guarantee that she will start spreading rumors about me." I heard the first period bell ring from outside, signaling that we were late.

"Just ignore the rumors, if they even start." He told me.

I ran my hand through my hair. "She made sure to cause a scene in the most crowded hallway of the school. There will be rumors if there aren't already."

"So what? You can ignore all of them. You and I know what really happened and that's all that you need. You need the truth and someone else to back you up on it and that's why you've got." He smiled, standing up and offering me a hand. As I was standing up I heard the door open again, revealing a very pissed off Sarah.

"Mr. Wagner is looking for you. Half of the class told him you were here this morning so he sent me to look for you because he knows just how close we've always been." She said, venom dripping off of every word that she spoke.

"Sarah, I-"

"Save it Diana. I don't want to hear any of your excuses." She cut me off while she started to walk out of the bathroom. "You know, I wonder how many people heard our little chat this morning in the hallway." She smirked before turning around and walking away for real this time.

Michael took my face in between his hands and looked me right in the eyes. "Ignore her Diana." He instructed. I gave him a weak smile before rushing towards my class.

"Thank you for finally showing up to class Miss Mathews." Announced Mr. Wagner when I pushed open the door to his classroom and took my assigned seat next to Sarah.

As he droned on about today's lesson I could hear whispering from the back of the class. I couldn't make out any full sentences, but I swear I could hear my name being spoken. "You're just being paranoid." I thought to myself. I flicked my eyes over to Sarah only to see her giving me a threatening death glare. If she really wanted to be my friend she wouldn't be acting like this. She would be here for me like she used to be.

The rest of the day continued like this. Me catching odd ends of hushed conversations that usually involved my name. I kept trying to ignore it all like Michael had suggested, but it was so hard. It was driving me crazy not knowing what all of these people were talking about or thinking. I associated it all with me. Every odd look that got thrown my way. Every secretive conversation that fell from someone's lips. Every bump from someone in the hallway. It all made me think the worst, and I wasn't even trying to do this to myself. It was just happening no matter how hard I tried to ignore it all.



Okay, I know this was crappy and short and its been super long since I updated and I feel really bad about it, but I am going to try my best to update really soon! This chapter was also kind of setting some more things in motion and moving the plot along and I know it was boring but it needed to be put in.



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