Chapter One

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Diana's POV

My name is Diana Mathews, not that anyone really cares. I'm an 18 year old senior in high school. I am a nobody. I walk through these hallways five days a week unoticed by a single person. I get these weird stares every day. Its kind of like the way people look at a puppy in one of those crowded pet stores. They feel really bad for the puppy, but never care enough to actually take care of the needy animal. There are some people who do care and that person for me was my friend Michael.

Michael and I never really used to talk until our lockers were mixed up and put next to eachother's. We took no interest in saying a single word to one another until the first day of school. We both had Mrs. McArthur for our seventh period language arts class and of couse were assigned to sit across from eachother.

"Now class because it is the first day of school I would like you to share a few things about yourself with the person sitting across from you, okay? Go on, you can start talking now," chirped Mrs. McArthur.

I stared blanky at Michael not knowing what to say. He was a little paler than most boys in my school and his constant changing of hair color didnt always help. Hair color was definaely his thing. This month it was a deep shade of red, and it made his lips look darker than usual.

"Nice hair," I said breaking the silence between us.

"Thanks. Umm...I'm Michael," he sat there thinking for a moment before continuing. I noticed that he had a thick accent, Australian maybe? "What's your name?"

"Diana Mathews," I responded shyly, afraid he would recognize my last name and start asking questions.

"I dont remember seeing you at school before now, but your name does sound familiar, I wonder why."

"Well, I've been stuck coming here since freshman year," I replied flatly avoiding his curiosity.


"You must not have known who I was because I'm so great at sticking out," I said with sarcasm in my voice.

"Sorry, but I think I might have you beat," he smiled pointing at his deep maroon hair. And we continued like this, just talking to pass time.


Tenth period had ended and I could finally get out of this prison called Riverbell High School. You may think I'm exaggerating by comparing high school to prison but they share many similar qualities; the faded paint on the outside of the old, wornout buildings; the dimly lit hallways with stained ceiling tiles, the small, crowded, and cold rooms. The worst part of both places was probably the dull, poorly cooked meals you were given and expected to enjoy eating.

I thought more about these things while I walked to my locker, ignoring the few glances I got from the other kids around me. While I was twisting and turning the combination into the lock I couldn't help but remember my awkward discussion with Michael in Language Arts today. He was the only person I had ever met here who didn't pry into my personal life and judge me right away. He had even managed to make me laugh, something that was rare in my life. He made me want to talk to him and I don't like to talk too many people.

I grabbed my bag and jacket from my locker and turned around to scurry out of the building when I bumped into the one who had been invading my thoughts.

"Diana, right?" He smirked.

"Yeah. I'm sorry but I actually have to go," I half lied.

"Thats a shame I was going to see if you wanted to hang out or something, but maybe another time, yeah?"

"Y-yeah I guess." I stammered. Honesty I was surprised that he was even taking the time to talk to me, so I was shocked that he wanted to see me outside of school.

"Well, have fun wherever you're going."

"Thanks, I will." With that I turned around and walked towards the front door while Michael turned to talk with his three best friends that he had quickly mentioned earlier this afternoon while we talked.

The cool fall air hit my face as soon as I stepped foot outside. I hurried past all of the other kids eager to leave as soon as they possibly could and made my way to my car. I unlocked the doors and let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding when I sat in the driver's seat.

I still couldn't grasp the fact that this kid I hadn't even talked to before today wanted to get to know me. He seemed to be interested in me and my life and not about what had happened. I wondered if he even knew about what had happened to me over the summer break. It still hurt to think about and things haven't been normal ever since.



Okay so this is my first ever fanfic so please forgive me if it sucks. Anyway I really want to hear your feedback about it so please tell me what you think!

Vote and comment and all that jazz and give me ideas about what you think will happen (I know it's only the first chapter but I would still love to hear what you have to say)


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