Chapter Thirty Three

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Diana's POV

I was stuck on my way to school again after a night a paranoia wondering what Sarah will have to say to me today. I told Michael and the other boys about everything I knew and they all immediately offered to help me avoid Sarah at all costs. They were going to try and walk me to all of my classes throughout the day in the hopes that no one would say anything about the fight Sarah and I had had or Sarah herself wouldn't say anything. Ashton pulled the car up to the school's curb and the four of us piled out of the car as he drove off again.

Luke and Calum walked away from Michael and I to go to their lockers, leaving me with Michael. As we walked to our lockers I couldn't help but notice a glare thrown my direction by a few people. It was almost a look a disgust, although some were sympathetic.

"Is it just me, or are people staring at me?" I whispered to Michael.

He reached out for my hand, intwining our fingers together, as gesture of support. "I think they're just jealous that you're hanging out with someone as hot as me." He smirked, rubbing small circles on my knuckles with his thumb giving me the chills.

"Ha-ha very funny Michael. But I'm serious." I said as we reached our lockers.

"Just ignore them Diana." He sighed, pulling out a few textbooks as I did the same.

"Easier said than done." I muttered under my breath. Apparently he had heard me though because he gently nudged my should with his while we walked to my first class of the day.


I had decided against sitting in my regular seat next to Sarah during first period for obvious reasons. I ended up sitting a few seats in front of her which wasn't much better. I could feel her eyes burning holes in the back of my head the whole class and I bolted out of there as soon as the bell sounded, ending class.

I hadn't seen her since then and it was now lunch time. Michael and I walked to the lunchroom together and found our way to the usual table that the guys all sat at.

"Hey guys!" I greeted Luke and Calum as I took a seat.

"Hi!" Waved Calum as Luke struggled to talk with his mouth full of greasy pizza.

"How have you been since I last saw you after third period?" Asked Luke finally swallowing his food.

"Oh you know, my normal over paranoid self according to this one." I pointed to Michael who was quick to defend himself.

"I didn't mean that you're always paranoid! I meant you're just more paranoid than the average you today!"

"She kind of has a good reason mate." Calum agreed with me.

"Whatever! I'm just saying that you should try and ignore it all." Michael told me.

"I can't just snap my fingers and magically be oblivious to my surroundings!" I laughed.

"No, but you can distract yourself."

"And how do you suggest I do that?" I wondered.

"You can always think of a happy place." Chuckled Luke, closing his eyes and saying, "See how well it works for me." I just laughed at his stupid joke while Michael kicked him from under the table. "Hey! Don't kick me! It's rude!"

"Who has ever said that I was polite?" Asked Michael as he belched extremely loud to prove his point.

"You still can't beat Ashton's burps, sorry buddy." Pointed out Calum.

I shook my head trying to contain my laughter. "Do you guys just sit around having burping contests?"

"We play video games." Added Luke.

"I always win those." Michael smiled proudly.

"Of course you do." I said unsurprised. "Random question!" I shouted. "Do we need our Language Arts textbook today?" I asked Calum because he had Mrs. McArthur before Michael and I did.

Calum made a face at the thought of the class. "Yeah. We have to read some dumb greek play."

"Hah! I told you to bring it!" Cheered Michael. We had been arguing about this topic at our lockers before lunch and Michael had brought his textbook with him while mine was still sitting in my locker.

I stood up from my seat. "Well, I'll be right back. I'm going to go get that."

"Hurry up! I don't want to be late for class!" Michael yelled after me.

"Like you care if we're late or not!" I yelled back.

I ran to my locker and quickly spun the combination lock to open it. I swung the door open and grabbed my oversized textbook. I heard footsteps echoing at the end of the hallway, but didn't think too much of it, assuming it was a teacher or a faculty member. I closed my locker door and as I went to turn towards the lunchroom someone roughly gripped my arm and turned me to face them, making me drop my textbook. The footsteps I had heard must have been from this person and I could feel my heart beat increase dramatically.

I recognized the kid as Tyler. He had never really talked to me, but he had a bad reputation that included picking fights with people just because he felt like it. He bad dark black hair and empty brown eyes that were staring at me. His features were solid.

"Diana. Right?" He asked harshly.

"Y-yeah." I replied trying to get out of his grasp.

"Oh I'm sorry. Am I hurting you?" He asked with sarcasm. I nodded my head slowly, afraid of how weak my voice would sound if I tried to talk. Instead of letting my arm go like I had hoped he tightened his grip causing me to close my eyes in pain. "I asked you a question and I expect an answer!" He demanded.

"Yes! You are hurting me! Please just let me go!" I pleaded.

"I thought this wouldn't bother you. You know, because you tried to protect your dad when he beat you up. Or maybe you were just lying and trying to get more attention after people stopped caring about what happened to you after your mom killed herself." He explained with a devil-like smirk on his face.

"That's not true." I murmured.

"I couldn't hear you!" Boomed Tyler as he let go of my arm and threw me against the lockers. He then trapped me in between his arms, putting his face near mine. "I suggest you stop lying to everyone around you." He spat.

"I'm n-not lying." I stuttered.

"Then you must really have yourself fooled too. No one would let their own parent beat on them and not try to tell someone. So save everyone the drama and cut the act. We don't need anymore attention whores at this school." He threatened. And just as soon as he came he walked away.

Out of sight out of mind right? The only problem was that I couldn't get the conversation out of my head. It kept replaying over and over again. His fierce words resonating through my ears. Now I know how everyone at my high school thinks of me. They all think I'm a lying attention whore.



This was short sorry guys. I hope you liked this and keep in mind that something huge will happen soon!

Love you!


Broken // Michael Clifford [Finished For Now]Where stories live. Discover now