Training for the Rating Game

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After I got out of the Familiar forest which took a whole damn Day.

Was the forest that big or was I just moving in circles.

Well anyway it seems I have made it to my/Issei's house/Mansion.

Good timing Issei was coming out.

I Immediately used <Teleportation> to appear beside him.

"What the hell" Issei said as he was startled and fell to the floor landing on had s butt.

"Hi man" I said casually as I helped Issei stand up.

"Where were you anyway we were about to put a search party after you" Issei said as he was finally standing upright again.

"No worries.....what did I miss" I said as I looked perfectly normal I unequipped Natsu's cloak and dispelled <Sage Mode>.

"Wait how come you have a Scarf................Well Asia got a familiar and one Cocky Bastard named Riser is trying to marry Rias so we offered a rating game turns out the dude is like super strong and immortal so we have to train like crazy" Issei said casually as he started walking towards an unknown direction.

'Do I need this nope <Swordfighting> is max,<Mana Manipulation> is max also with affinities,stronger than Koneko....yeah' I thought as Issei continued moving.

"Yo..Issei tell them that you found me" I said as Issei nodded.

'My Mom and dad haven't seen me in like a week..maybe, so this has to be perfect timing' I thought as I opened the door and saw Mr and Mrs Hyoduo.

"Good morning son nice to see that your back" Mr Hyoduo said as he was typing something on a laptop while sitting on the Coach.

"How was the Competition" Mrs Hyoduo or Mom said as I'm starting to think Rias brainwashed them.

"A girl with red hair told us that you volunteered for a Competition all around the world, is that right" Mom said as I had to Nod.

Defiantly Brainwash.

I walked up the stairs to my room as I saw my goal.

Naruto Shippuden Manga Volume 3

I touched it as a blue box shot up to my face.

<Do you want to Enter Naruto Shippuden Dungeon>

"Hell yes" I said as I lost Consciousness and was bathed in white light.


"Hey I think  someone is in there" I heard a scrawny voice defiantly Naruto.

"Let's check it out" a bold yet girly voice said probably Sakura.

I stood up slowly to realise I was in a crater and damn it was big.

"How could this happen when we just started rebuilding the Village" Naruto said as he ran to the crater I could hear his footsteps.

After The 'Six paths of Pain' Saga.

Time to find some trouble.

I threw a <Rasengan> using Infinity's Mana as it Explodes in Mid Air pushing Naruto back.

"What the hell" Naruto said as I stood up from the Crater and started using <Mana Embodiment> with Infinity's MP a faint red aura surrounded me.


<'Fraction of Infinity's Power' has levelled up>

"Is that a Jinchuriki Chakra Coat" Sakura said as she balanced herself into a Fighting position.

"If it is then we might have some trouble" Naruto said as he took a battle stance.

I threw Another <Rasengan> with Infinity's MP as it sped up straight to Naruto.

"Huh...a Rasengan" Naruto said as he was shocked when the <Rasengan> I threw exploded right in his face.

" okay" Sakura said as the smoke cleared to see Naruto grinning as he blocked the attack.

'How can this dude do the <Rasengan> 'Naruto thought as my new red transparent aura started to dim.

'I can't give you to much MP unless you what to explode' Infinity said as I internally nodded.

"Ahhh....Leaf Shinobi" I said as I started to formulate my plan.

Pretend to be a bad guy.

Fight them to get stronger.

Leave Dungeon.

"It has been a long time since I fought a Sage" I said as they all narrowed there eyes to me.

In a second I used <Teleportation> to get to Naruto's face landing an uppercut right at his chin making him go flying.

'A Teleportation Jutsu.... Maybe but I didn't see any handsigns unless he is like that Mask dude' Naruto thought referring to Madara as he flipped and landed on his feet.

"Haa"Naruto said as he went for a right high kick,I blocked it with my left shoulder as I try to Punch him in the face.

But I got hit with tremendous force as I got launched towards trees upon trees upon trees.

<20,000 Damage done to player>

'Holy Shit...Sakura punched me and I survived' I thought as I stood up dusting my clothes.

'Sakura's strength is probably over a thousand I can handle Naruto but if he goes <Sage mode> things might get ugly' I thought as I saw Sakura her fist extended to where I was staying.

"Sakura let's finish this fast so we can get to rebuilding the Village" Naruto said as he started to create two shadow Clones using <Multi Shadow clone Jutsu> they helped him create one <Rasengan> and helped him put it to the sky.

Then Naruto started adding Wind Chakra nature into it as a Shuriken star was slowly forming.

Wasting no time, like Kakashi I activated my <Two-toume Sharigan> and Copied this Jutsu then I deactivated it before they could notice.

"<Wind Style: Rasenshuriken>" Naruto said as before I knew it the Rasenshuriken was right on my stomach as I got yeeted away in a star shaped noment.

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