Deafting a False Immortal(Finally)

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3rd's Ice King View
'I can stick with those Twp copies of me until I kill that meddling brat' the 3rd Ice King thought as he felt a slight shift in space.



<Rasengan has levelled up>

The Ice king dodged a perfectly thrown Rasengan aimed at his skull making it hit the still melting carven wall and made it crack.

"Your Fast" I said as I drop down two clones at my side.

"You will die by my HAND " The third ice king said as he made a shield made of thick ice.

"Sure Thing" I said as I put both of my hands by my side lifting them up slightly and opening them showing my palms.

Then the two Clones at my side started to make a Rasengan on each side.

"<Double Rasengan>" I said as I threw the two Rasengan out of my hand straight towards the third ice king.

<Rasengan has levelled up by 2>

His shield started to move circular and started rotating at incredible speeds,making the Rasengan turn into thick smoke when it got in contact with it.

Just what I taught.

The Minimum MP for a Rasengan is 1,000 making my MP go into 79,000 but I calculated what he would do with my <Ancient Uchiha History> making my INT go into 600 and I saw this happen with my <one toume Sharigan> .

<Sharigan has levelled up>

" BASTARD " The third ice king saw the thick icy smoke and realised my plan.

"I'm gonna Kill you " the third ice king said as he put his hand on the never-ending melting floor.

Enormous Glaciers of Ice appeared moving closer to me and my clones.


Before the third ice king could know it I appeared in front of him using <Teleportation> as my clones take care of the Glaciers.

"<Judgement Kick>!!!!" I screamed as I landed a clean shot kick right at his left cheek.

<Judgement kick!!!> has levelled up>

"<Rasengan>" I said as I created a Rasengan on my other hand and slammed it into the third ice king's right cheek.

<Rasengan has levelled up>


"<FUS DO RAH>" I shouted as I let the flaming holy destructive attack blaze out right at his face.

<FUS DO RAH has levelled up by 0.5>

"Aaagh" the third ice king said as he dropped to the cavern black ground as I flipped behind him.

Half of his face was destroyed by the <Rasengan> grinding and the other half was melting thanks to the <FUS DO RAH> and his body was sparking electricity thanks to my <Judgement Kick> .

"I get it now...." I said making him look up at me.

"Your wounds can't regenerate because you aren't the original one" I said making him growl with anger.

"I might be the original but I can still defeat you" the third Ice king shouted as he lunged at me with an ice sword.

But I had predicted this my <One-toume Sharigan> was still active as I dodged to the left making him stumble and fall down.

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