Entering Fairy Tail

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<Does User Want to Enter Fairy Tail Dungeon>

'For a hundred times yes' I thought as it all went black.

I Woke up on dirt
'Wonderful' I thought as I stood up from the dirt to see that my outfit has changed I look more Badass I am wearing Natsu's outfit and I have a red flaming Guild Tattoo on my arm sleeve.

Destroy this Village to gain Attention
0/1 Villages Destroyed.
0/20 Villagers Killed.

-200 REP with Fairy Tail.
+200 REP with Dark Legions.
+1 Upgrade to Infinity

'I'm a bad guy now' I thought as I walked to the Village.

'I don't like it but if I don't do it I'm pretty sure that the Gamer System will do it' I thought as I put my arm up and it was suddenly surrounded with flames.

'And it will probably overdue it' I sent a <Fireball> to a village building.

It Exploded in contact with the <Fireball> but the flames didn't stop there they started burning down other houses.

I saw a Villager Man running out of the burning house so I <Teleportation> In front of him scaring him.

Then I grabbed him from the Collar and made him look at my Eye.

And I used <Flame Manipulation> to burn him to a crisp.

The Villagers Shouted as they ran in different dimension.

'Well I have been wanting to try this out' I thought as I raise my hand up,a Dragon like being made of purple and blue matter appeared.

More like <Lighting Manipulation> <Darkness Manipulation> And one of my new skill gift <Destruction Manipulation>.

The Dragon looked exactly like Sasuke's Kirin(the ultimate jutsu) the Villagers didn't seem to notice it.

As they all suited up with leather armor and Iron swords.

"You Beast" A Villager Shouted as he put his iron sword up but when he looked up he pooped his pants.

"HELL'S JUDGMENT" Me and Infinity shout as the Dragon came back to us then Exploded destroying everything and the whole village except from us.

A/N thank you


Destruction Magic: LVL 2/100(67%)
The Power of Destruction given to the gamer by ??? ??? To make him strong so he can fight ????????.


Destroy this Village to gain Attention
1/1 Villages Destroyed.
20/20 Villagers Killed.

-200 REP with Fairy Tail.
+200 REP with Dark Legions.
+1 Upgrade to Infinity.

<Infinity has been Upgraded>

<Infinity is now customizable>

'Infinity shrink to the size of a normal watch' I said mentally to Infinity as it shrunk from a Gauntlet to a Normal watch like Ben 10 Alien force.

Of Course it's still Red with the Infinity symbol.

"Hey You" I heard a Voice to see Natsu and Ezra Scarlet.

"Oh Fairy tail came so fast" I said still holding the Kirin in my hand.

"So your the one who destroyed this Village you will pay" Ezra said as she gripped her hand about to start using her Telekinesis or her Sword Magic.,

"Hey where is the Rest of Fairy Tail" I said as I started designing a throne.

"They're coming but until then" Natsu said as his arm was enclosed in a blazing flame.

"Nice..nice" I say not actually caring as they all grow an Anime Irk mark.

Then I Seat on my throne and Spam <Observe> on all of them.

Name:Natsu Dragoneel



Magic:Fire Dragon Slayer Magic(Locked).









Natsu Dragoneel also known as Salamander works for the Fairy Tail Guide and is currently trying to kill you.
Good luck.
Name:Ezra Scarlet

Age:17(I Think)


Magic:Reequip Magic,Sword Magic and Telekinesis.










Ezra Scarlet is an S Class Mage who is Extremely Powerful don't try your luck those swords are really sharp.

'OK is this a joke.... Who Overpowers Fairy Tail' I think as in Reality I don't move.

'Wait Dragon Slayer Magic I'm half dragon' I thought as Natsu shot a fireball at me.

'And These Descriptions' I think as I still stand there the Fireball nearing.

Then I <Teleportation> Away but putting an <After Image> there,they saw as the blast went threw the <Afterimage> and blew up the throne.

"Awww.....poor salamander wants to hit me" I said cockily but Natsu turns and blasts again.

"I've Never Heard of Illusion Magic Before" Ezra said as she swung out her sword.

I <Teleportation> Away from the Fireball and into the sky above them.

"Hey where did he go" Natsu said As he looked at Every direction before looking up.

"Awww...<Meteors> " I said as the Big Rocks of Fire fly from the Sky.

"Sword Magic And Telekinesis" Ezra used as Blades and Axes appeared Pushing my <Meteors> Back.

"Oh you're stronger than you look" I said as I see Natsu also pushing the <Meteors> Back.

Then I Ended the Fun and Snap my fingers making all the <Meteors> Explode into Cosmic Dust.

"What's wrong with you" Natsu said As he got pushed by the Explosion.

"What do you mean" I Ask landing on the floor.

"That Could have killed us but you destroyed it why" Natsu said as Ezra summoned blades at me.

"I don't know for fun" I said as the fight started.

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