Stupid Fairy Butt

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"Aaagh" I groan in anger as I cleave an ice golem's head off.

"This is so boring" I shout as I dodge it's low hit then use my iron sword to slash it in two.

"The Father's coming" Natsu said as he blasted a huge wave of salamander fire killing more golem.

Right now I am helping 'Team Natsu' Defeat an 'A' Class Mission.

"Raaaaahhhhh" A Massive noise was heard as to Ice hands hit Natsu sending him flying.

"Man you really need a toothbrush" I Sped to him as I finally saw his appearance.

He looks like a Minecraft Iron golem made of ice.

'<Observe>'I mentally say as I slash him right in the cheek making him stumble.

Name:Ice Golem


Title:Low Class Commander


Ability:Ice Manipulation









<-100 HP done to Enemy(-50 per second in effect of bleeding>)

"Awww... Does little baby wanna cry" I mock as the low class screamed in rage then charged at me.

With a flip in mid air(surprising because it has 0 Agility) it was about to hulk smash me.

"Don't get your hopes up" I said darkly as I turn to a side I held one arm up.

Using <Darkness Manipulation> I created a Orb of darkness but with a twist I added my new power <Destruction Manipulation> coating the black with purple.

As it hit his target the target cried out in pain as it's body was tearing apart.

"I'll save you from this pain'" I said as it screamed louder.

"With more pain" I said darkly as I blasted another <Destruction Orb> to the golem.

A Purple explosion happened and the golem was nowhere to be seen.

Team Natsu members are just looking at me like I am a deranged psychopath.

"Oh Kinda forgot you were all here" I said innocently as I rub my nape.

Everyone had Sweatdrops.

"Uuuuuuuuaaaaagghhhhhhhh" A Huge Voice was heard as a disgusting abomination called a Golem Screamed.

Looks like Iron Golem from Minecraft Dungeons.

"Man you reek more than your son" I said as it swung at me.

I Cartwheeled to my side.

"Maybe I should just take you out"I said as I punch the Iron golem with like 80% power.

But I Instantly Regretted it.

"Agh what are you made of obsidian" I said clutching my now red fist.

The Golem just grabbed me by my waist and slammed me on the cave wall.

<-200 Damage done to user>

"You know suck" I say as I use my metal right fist I coat it with <Destruction Magic> using <Body Reinforcement>.

I punch it straight in the face making it shriek in pain.

But then it face glowed purple and <Healing Magic> covered it face.

" you can regenerate then I can break you a thousand more times" I say as I crack my knuckles.

The Golem punched straight at me.

But with superior agility and small size I dodge the huge fist.

"Take this on for size" I Cover my right metal fist with blazing fire then I punch my hand right through the Iron golem.

Then it Regenerated again.

"Are you gonna be a problem"I say cockily as I dodge another fist but got hit with the third fist.

<-300 HP Done to User>

"I won't lie you do pack a punch" I said as I kicked it's fist off.

"But your pretty stupid" I say as I use my right hand to punch it in the face making it stumble.

"Because you have Regeneration that doesn't mean that you should let me hit you" I said as I grab it's feet and swung it out of the carven.

"Aaagh"The Golem shouted as it regenerated it's hand.

Then it started to grow bigger and stronger.

'Let me guess Infinity Mutant <Observe>'I thought as I fly straight to it.

Name:Ice Lord<Mutant>


Title:King of Ice Carven,Infinity Mutant.


Ability:Ice Manipulation,Regeneratation and False Immortality









The Golem of Ice.
The Ice King was famous because his he was a normal alchemist but what made him famous was that his healing powers were so great he reached False Immortality.

"Bow Down to your king"The Ice King said as Ice Golems appeared everywhere and started closing in on us.

"Dammit were surrounded" Natsu said as he took a step back.

"So you are gonna be a problem" I said as I use <After Image> to fool him so I am everywhere.

"What" The Ice King tried to swipe at me but I was already gone.

I <Teleportation> to his back then whack him with Hellsling in the back of the head.

"You Wretch" Ice King swipes again but I already used <Teleportation> to escape.

"Haaa" I land a big heavy punch to his cheek making him stumble.

There was a big red mark in his cheek but thanks to <False Immortality> it Vanished Instantly.

"Darn dare challenge the gr-whack" the Ice King was interrupted by my sonic kick.

"<Mutant Boost>" the Ice Golem began to grow onto his arms began pillars of icy blue iron his chest became ice with a fiery red infinity mark on his chest.

"This is your end"

This is gonna be close.

A/N:Sorry for not updating sooner Network Errors.

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