The Summoner X

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"So your Monica" I said as Monica nodded she jumped with a flip and landed on the ground.

"Why did you save the spy" Eric asked as the effects of Fuzzy Domain finished so I started stretching.

"Because I summoned him" Monica said as Eric looked shock
But thanks to my [Gamer's Mind] my face is Emotionless.

I Sneaked close to Eric.


New Skill Learnt

The ability to move without your enemy noticing you when evolved turns to stealth.






[Sneak has levelled up 5 Times]

I got close enough and put my hand in Eric's patch before grabbing a Hyper Potion and quickly closing it.


[Skill Pick pocket learnt]

Pick Pocket
Whether it's a handkerchief, a wallet or a phone 'borrow' something from someone else.

*Pick Pocket has levelled up*

[Due to learning something without the system you have been awarded with +1 INT]

I drank the hyper potion.

"Yes I summoned him I was told he has limitless potential but this is disappointing" Monica said as Eric searched for his Hyper Potion.

"Wait where is my hyper potion" Eric said as he searched his inventory but couldn't find it.

Then I dropped it to the Floor.

Hyper potions heal HP And MP By 70% so I am currently in full power again.

"Ooops"I say as Eric looked at me then the floor.

Before he could swing he fainted from blood loss.

"So you summoned me Ehh" I say as I grab Eric's Pouch.

"Yes but to say I am Very disappointed" Monica said as she wanted to turn and leave but I beat her two it.

"Me too" I say as I walk away Monica soldiers grab an unconscious Eric.


Secret Quest[Failed]
Defeat Eric

+3 Skill books
+30 Friendship points with Eric
+50 Friendship points with Monica.

-50 Friendship points with Eric
-100 Friendship points with Monica.
Possible Death
Certain Injury.

Hidden Quest [Completed]
Make Eric pass out one way or the other or draw with Eric.

+2 Skill books
+60 Friendship points with Eric
+10 Friendship points with Monica
+3000 XP Points.

Complete Disappointment
-500 Friendship points with Eric
-500 Friendship points with Monica.

Accept Rewards

"Yes" I Murmur as I kept on moving in a distance I see a village.

"Wait can I check my Relationship with people" I asked a blue screen popped up in front of me.

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