I am a what

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" "Talking

'  'Thoughts




"Wait where I am" I say as I look around to see that I am in a room.

"Hmmmm.....so it wasn't a dream" I said as I stand up from the floor the room was fairly okay.

It was painted blue it had wooden planks as the floor a laptop and gaming set-up around a corner and a red bed.

"If what I have read from fiction you don't say stats you say [Status] " I say as a blue screen appears on my face.



Name:Jackson Vendel





Sacred Gear:None

HP/Health Point-100/100

MP/Mana Points-250/250





INT/Intelligence: 2




SP/Spending Point:20

"Wait I am 3 Years old" I say as I look at myself on a mirror.

"Holy hell I am cute" I say as my 3 year old body I have brown hair with green emerald eyes.

"Wait why are those question marks there" I say to the System.

[That is Because you haven't learned your second Race]

"Oh that makes sense" I say as I use my hand to brush through my hair.

"Why is my INT so low" I say as I look at the screen disappointedly.

[That is Because You are Dumb in the Literally Sense]

"So If I understand the Fiction

HP- means my health points if my health points reach Zero I will die.

MP- Means my Mana Points Spells will most likely use MP when my MP goes Zero I have to wait for it to Recharge.

VIT- Means my HP the more I increase my Vitality the more my health Points will Increase.

STR- Strength Means my battle power and the Damage I Inflict on my Enemy.

END- Endurance Means the damage inflicted on me will be reduced.

INT- Intelligence Means how smart I am in also planning Battle Strategies.

WIS- Wisdom Means how much MP Points I have the more I Increase it the More Mana Points I have.

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