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'So basically this guy is like Overhaul without any side effect or Corona Mask' I thought as I made the first Step I used <Teleportation> to appear right above him.

"<Judgment Kick>" I said as I infuse my leg with Lightning using <Lighting Manipulation> and landed the special kick on his head.

The Lightning sprawled uncontrolled as it tore a scar on Riser's Face while the kick pushed him to the floor.

Riser grunted as he stood up his head injuries and scar was completely healed as he jumped up to reach me as I was still floating down.

Quick Notice
1.Jackson's Teleportation only works on places he is currently seeing or places he knows and has gone to before.

2.Jackson's Teleportation is now Passive because of it's overuse and costs no MP.

3.Judgement Kick Average MP Is 5,000

I Immediately used <Teleportation> to appear where Riser was staying before he jumped then grabbed his two legs.

I swung him with a mighty swing like Cesaro's Leg Swing making Riser land on a blue Cafeteria Table snapping it in half.

"Good bad it will be your last as you shall fall for the great RIS-" Riser said with a smirk as before he could finish I jumped and use <Flight> to speed up towards him.

Before Riser could move I grabbed his arm and flew again dragging his arm only so the rest of his body would crash into Blue Cafeteria tables.

Then I threw Riser body first into the Cafeteria's Wall leading outside.

I used <Teleportation> to appear in front of him as I crouched low in mid air and punched Riser right in in the gut making Riser Wince in pain before he started laughing.

"Do You Really Think you can defeat the Majestic RI-" Riser said as his wounds regenerated but I punched him in the Jaw Before he could finish is Sentence.

I Swung a full on assault of punches even infusing them with <Destructive Energy> using <Destruction Manipulation> making holes in his body as I punch.

Gosh this feels like All Might Vs Nomu

Quick Notice
1.Jackson can Infuse Destructive Energy in his body using Mana Embodiment and selecting Destructive energy. looks like his fist has a purple transparent aura around it.

Before the Wall broke and Riser grabbed my right hand which was infused with <Destructive Energy> and literally pulled me to him.

In a second I made a <Mana Shield> and Integrated <Destructive Energy> into it.

I literally passed through Riser as I saw his body explode head,organs and blood spilling out everywhere.

Then the <Mana Shield(Destructive)> disintegrated the wall as soon as it came in contact with it.

But as I was about to Falk through the Hole in the wall that I had just created I looked back as I used <Teleportation> to get to the farthest table close to Riser's Blood and organs.

Ignoring the perfectly shaped hole in the wall I looked at Riser's blood.

Then like they were possessed they started gathering and packing themselves together making a human body of blood.

Then in fast speeds the organs entered into the body of blood.

Then Riser was bathed in white light and looked like he was in a perfect shape, truth be told he looked like how he was in the beginning of the match.

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