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"Oh the Rating Game is here I'm so pumped" I said as <Gamer's Mind> tried to contain my Excitement but Ultimately Failed.

"Sure" Issei said as he looked to be in deep thought.

"We won't win this will we" Issei said as I flinched.

"I can only go Boosted Gear boost 12 and Riser isn't going to be an Easy win" Issei continued as I stopped walking.

"I Once heard from a wise man that the first step to win a battle is to 'Believe it' " I said reciting Naruto's Signature sentence regardless of the beat down that happened.

'Long story short I woke up with one HP turns out Luck goes a Long Way and The Rating Game starts today' I thought reclaiming the previous events of last chapter.

Issei just smiled as we walked unto the Teleportation Circle.

The Landscape looked like how it was in the Anime.

Kuoh Academy spot on only with White Skies.

'I Really want to fight that peacock Riser and I know I can lure him to where I am' I thought as they started Explaining about the alternate dimension created by the devils.

I used <Teleportation> to disappear from the group and appeared in the Cafeteria.

'I've watched the Anime and Riser is going to be freakishly strong not to mention his Immortal' I thought as I look around.

'Good no distractions now all I have to do is find Riser' I thought as I searched the Cafeteria.

' him' I think as I put my hand on the white marble floor.

'I know the Gym is the middle of the Chess board but if I have to fight Riser...I have to do it in a safe place' I thought as I send a wave of Holy Energy through the floor using <Holy(Light) Manipulation> thanks to my half-angel side.

'Riser is probably going to wince in pain when he feels that and is probably going to track the source' I thought as I sent three waves watching as the Radiate of the ground like white lightning before the dispersed like shockwaves.

'I need all the strength I can get' I think as I close my two eyes and stay in a meditating position.

I start Gathering Sage Chakra or Nature points around me as I started to actually experience <Sage Mode>.

It Felt like cool breeze was constantly bottling up inside me as my eyes quickly grew a red outer layer,after that my eyes turned yellow and a black substraction sign formed in the middle.

<User's stats shall be increased by 0.5>


Name:Jackson Vendel (Hyodyo)



Title:Worthy,Spiritual Survival,Huntsman In Training,Ancient Uchiha,Jinchukuri, Infinity's new toy.

Race:Jinchukuri(Dragon/Neko)/Uchiha/Cross Angel-Devil.

Sacred Gear:Infinity


NP:200,000(Partner Boost)

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