Nekon's Backstory

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"Nekon...a former gamer?" I  said sounding shell shocked.

"Yes he was actually one of the strongest" infinity said as he looked at me grimly.

"I guess that's all for today" Nekon said as he accepted his reward for a done mission.

"Really you just fought a literal beast of 5000 STR and all you can say is 'that's all for today' " Infinity or Nekon's gauntlet spoke to him.

"Yeah I deserve a week off, am I right?" Nekon said as he chuckled but a bright blue screen popped in front of him.

<Quest Alert!?>

Name:Deity Arises
Description:The grand creator of the system needs your help to defeat or subdue ????.


Failure:Total Genocide of humanity,system evaporation.

Cannot Refuse Quest

"What's so much of a threat that even the system creator needs my help" Nekon said as infinity shrugged.

"Appearing in the System maker's palace in 3...2...1" Infinity said as he used <Warping> to tear through dimensions.

They were met with a scarred brownish land,it looked like a nuke blew up in here.

"Haha...called more people to die" A Voice called out as they looked up above to see a demon dressed in black hard demonic armor with a red orb in his stomach.

"Urion..Being of Darkness" Nekon said as Urion just chuckled.

"It seems your acquintices know me,...well it doesn't matter they'll die either way" Urion said as a black sword came out from his demonic armor hand ring.

"No..." A voice called out as Nekon turned his head to see a being of white light kneeling on the floor.

The System's creator.

Vendir.....Being of light.

Vendir is an ascended spirit capable if creating anything;physical,mental,

While Urion can shatter anything physical,break a mind mentally and dispell anything spiritual.

Yin and Yang.

"No I won't let this" Vendir said as he raised his hand up.

A small white orb formed on his hand then started to expand larger and larger even bigger than the ten tails tailed beast bomb.

"Have you forgotten I can dispell anything spiritual" Urion said as Vendir fired the attack.

But then it was absorbed by Urion in a second.

"Haha...Pathetic" Urion said as his eyes glowed crimson red with anger.

"And here I thought you were meant to be a challenge" Urion said as he shattered the landscape by descending.

The ground cracked and lava came forth swallowing the battlefield whole.

Infinity suddenly made Nekon grow draconic wings from his back and sprouted him upwards to avoid the lava.

"Thanks really saved my skin" Nekon said as he saw that Urion wasn't even affected by the lava.

"You" Urion said as he pointed at Nekon.

"You have great potential that I give you,but why waste your time here" Urion said as Nekon looked  confused but Urion continued
"I can give you something, something so powerful no one would ever come in your way" Urion said like he was reading Nekon's mind like an open book.

"That's the reason why you joined them....,so no one would ever bully you again. well let me give you the power to do so,under one condition" Urion said as he extended his hand in the air to where Nekon was.

"Host Me"

"I accept" Nekon said as a beam of red darkish energy hit me in the chest where his heart was leaving a hole.

"Nooo Nekon" Infinity said as he was removed from Nekon's body.

"Ahhh...finally the parasite's gone" Nekon said in a deep evil voice his body started to turn black with spot of red.

Soon he was covered in a red and black cocoon but since infinity left his body had no wings so he fell to the lava.


Nekon bursted out looking completely normal except that his dragonic wings were black demon wings and one of his eyes were missing.

"Seal Style:Great Sealing Art" Nekon said as Urion began to fade.

"Wait...what noooo" Urion said as his faded spirit entered into Nekon.

<Quest Completed>

As Vendir tried to stand he immediately felt something his right eye was slashed.

"Argh" the being of light fell to the floor his wound started healing at an incredible pace.

Nekon immediately slashed Vendir at his right eye because of his new 'Jinchukuri Status' power Vendir ,didn't expect it.

And he surely did not expect what happened next.

Nekon grabbed Vendir's right eye and pulled it out.

Clearly not thinking straight because of the demon sealed inside of him,he put Vendir's right eye in his missing eye.

Which was already covered in corruption.

When he out it in the corrupt and holy energy mixed together.

Like a chemical reaction; Uchiha and Senju ,when you mix it you get otsusiki.

Then what if you mix Yin and yang,you get balance.

Six paths is balance.

Utilization of six paths chakra enables Rinnegan.

Like pain whose Rinnegan was given to him because of there was 'no balance'.

Enough of the batter.

Nekon's eye swirled in circles until a definite Rinnegan was formed.

Then he morphed away.

Flashback end

"So not only those this guy have Yang but also Yin" I said as I'm starting to get irritated about this situation.

"With his power your going to need a lot to beat him" Infinity said as I nodded.

"Truth to say your percentage of winning is about 30% if he hasn't trained,10% if he has trained and 0% if he can use Urion's energy" Infinity said as I started strategizing.

"I will hack some skills for you like <Rasenshuriken> and amplify the power of <Winged beast bomb> ,but there is something you have to know" Infinity said as I listened.

"But when we fight him it's not only you that's in it"

"You mean"

"Yes tailed best form(Chakra mode)"

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