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"Huh..." I muttered as my eyes open only to see myself in a room on top of a blue bed.

Then I saw a devil above me touching my body as green light surrounded her hands.

<User's Body is in Healing state>

One if Rias Gremory 'Special Guest' piece has retired

Riser and his Peerage have won this Rating game.

'That's probably for me' I thought as I grunted.

It seemed this medic devil wasn't healing me but instead giving me Mana.

"Oh your awake" the devil medic said as she raised her hands from my body.

Then my <Regeneration> kicked in and started closing my wounds.

Quick Notice
1.Gamer's body does not make the Gamer's HP and MP full if the Gamer is awake,unconsciousness by fighting is not the same as Unconsciousness by sleeping.

2.The Gamer System realizes this reason why Jackson's MP and HP don't refill when he loses consciousness.

"Yeah...guess so" I said as I sat straight up in the Bed.

"Wait your not meant to be moving" the Medic said as I used <Teleportation> to leave the bed.

"What is your name" I asked calmly as I snapped my fingers creating a bone popping sound.

"Venice...bu-" Venice said but I immediately used <Teleportation> to appear in the Occult Club room.

'I think I just found Beta a girlfriend' I thought as I tapped Infinity's dial.

"What do you want" Infinity said calm but taint of Mockery.

"Is it possible for me to bring others into my Dungeon" I said as I looked at the Red Hologram.

"How am I supposed to kno-"

"You hacked the system" I said as Infinity shrugged.

"Sure...yes it is possible but you need a Ma-" Infinity said but I tapped the dial making him retreat back to the Watch.

'Ha' I laughed Internally as I knew his mad he would be when I let him out.

"Jackson...I need to get stronger" I heard a voice as I saw Issei standing there.

"Just the one I was looking for" I said as I starred Issei down.

"Issei Hyoduo do you pledge to take this training seriously at all times" I said as I already knew Issei's Answer.

Normally he would have said "huh" or "What the hell"

But know I know his answer.

Issei nodded as immediately I created an <Instant Dungeon> using <I.D Create> and reality shattered like glass.

Issei didn't flinch but looked around as the glass reformed and made something like an actual city.

"Imagine it like that Alternate Universe the Devils created for the Rating game" I said as Issei nodded then I looked left to see a pile of zombies.

"Use your strongest move...and I am not counting Dress break" I said as Issei chuckled.

"It is a move I have been trying out ever since I made the deal with the Dragon in my gauntlet" Issei said as he started explaining the deal he made with Ddraig before meeting me.

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