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[Last Chapter Name was a straight up lie to be honest,just trying to build some hype]

After Training with Ibronox and Ddraig in The boosted gear, I have learnt how to activate <Sage Mode> without meditating and borrow more of Infinity's Mana.

"Partner.." Ibronox called out as I stopped meditating and cancelled <Sage mode> .

"They shall be a time when you will have to face my father" Ibronox said as his Sage Eyes showed sadness.

"And he is not what you expect" Ibronox said as he disappeared in a white Puff like a <Shadow clone>.

"So ominous" I said Sacarsticly as I looked back to see Ddraig.

"I take it Issei has already started" I said as Ddraig nodded and I immediately used <I.D Escape> to leave the dungeon but I was still in the Boosted gear.

'Infinity if you can hear me please reverse me out of the sacred gear' I sent a mental message to Infinity as he just 'hmph' .

'Okay I'm sorry..I'll make it up to you...I'll check the <Shop> to check updates for you' I sent a mental message as suddenly the dimension broke like glass as I saw myself spear behind the devils themselves.

I used <Sneak> and my <Divine Presence Concealing> to hide making myself physically and spirituality Unnoticeable.

"I want a Rematch" I heard a voice said as some devils like Sirzechs and Riser's father and mom with his sister 'Ravel' started discussing.

"I also want a Rematch" I said shocking them and making them aware of me.

"Then it is settled it will be Riser Vs Issei and Jackson" Sirzechs said as Riser's father was about to complain.

"Don't worry the great Riser can handle this two disgraces" Riser said cockingly as he invited me and Issei to the stage.

"Let's do this" Issei said as he entered Balance Breaker shocking the crowd.

"Boosted Gear:Balance Breaker" Issei said as he completed the transformation making some devils lose their mind.

*To the Battlefield*

"Issei..I know you have about 11 Seconds in that form" I said shocking Issei.

"How do-

" No worries stall him as much as you can and oh also show that fool that the cross isn't for show" I said as I closed my eyes shut.

Issei didn't ask questions and went to attack Riser.

The Countdown has started.


I summoned one of my <Shadow clones> from the Familiar Forest and release it's Jutsu.

I suddenly felt the alluring winds of <Sage Mode> as I enabled <Fraction of Infinity's power> making a red transparent aura outline me.


This Aura suddenly created a Wing made of pure aura on my left shoulder and one on my right Shoulder.


The Aura started to get darker as I opened my eyes sage energy coursed through me as I focused them on my eyes.


The Red outline on my eyes disappeared along with the Substraction sign but the substraction sign was replaced by my <Three Toume Sharigan> .


I Immediately went to my <Perks> and clicked <Dragon form> suddenly my body started shaking.


Instead of path of my body to turn into a Dragon by body immediately puffed in white smoke and puffed back as a Dragon.


I know the devils are gonna be shell shocked well it isn't every day that you see a Devil Angel who can turn into a literal dragon.

I had to train with Ddraig to maintain this form and Ibronox to balance all of my Eye dojutsu's together.


"RAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" I Roared as I charged an attack that looked like the Tailed beast bomb.


I started to Charge Infinity's Mana all around me making the red aura extend all over my body covering it.


I saw Ravel trying to Interfere to save Riser's life by blocking Issei.

If I fire this attack no way Riser is going to survive it.


I know how it is to love someone even if the person doesn't love you back.


"WINGED BEAST BOMB" I shouted as I blasted the black orb at the same time Issei made the Cross touched Riser's Chest.

I put around 70,000 Of Infinity's Mana and 80,000 of my own.

But I contained the attack making it fire out like a beam of light.

It wiped Riser out of the map like literally.

I used my <Mana Manipulation> to contain the Explosion and only let it wander around the stage.

Riser was showed only after the dust settled his body decomposing as a Cross was shown inside of his chest.

Yet alive.

For the devils they could see a Red transparent aura around the Cross nullifying it's effects though it still be near Riser made left his Immortality on hold.

I transformed back to my 'Human form' in a Puff of smoke.

"Give up unless you want your last sight to be a cross in your chest" I said as before Riser could speak his family forfeited.

Then the Cross was covered in purple aura and disintegrated until it was no more.

Riser's wounds started to heal as he stood up scoffing.

"I just let you win because your entertained the great Riser" Riser said filling his own Ego as I just rolled my eyes.

"Yo Issei..let's get a break,we earned it"

[Next chapter is coming out tomorrow and is going to be a bit emotional,explaining a lot about Infinity, Ibronox and his father even great Red]

~See Ya

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