Learning New Skills

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"What the hell" I screamed as I jolted up only to realise that my Hellsling battle attire was soaking wet.

"I know you have something to do with this" I said as I looked down at Infinity and I realised I was in a dark cavern so I couldn't see him well.

"Whatever you think I did it wasn't me" my red copycat appeared like a hologram on top of the Infinity dial.

"Yes it was why would you give that thing  " I said as I was really getting annoyed with this talking gauntlet.

"In my offence it asked" Infinity said in a mocking voice as his red hologram light reflected off the tight cavern walls showing a narrow exit that was blocked by big heavy boulders.

"<Shop>" I commanded searching for something I needed.
Magic dispellation potion
Name:Magic dispellation potion
Description: it can dispell magic or illusions according to rank.

Price Rank B

Price Rank A
1000 Coins

Price Rank S
10,000 Coins

Price Rank EX
100,000 Coins

'Looking at Mr.Immortality's stats I will buy a Rank B potion' I thought as I bought a rank b potion.

It appeared in my inventory as I pulled it out making the white liquid inside of the white stained potion jingle.

Then I threw it at the End of the carven making the Environment melt even the darkness looked like it was melting.

"You Bastard how did you find out" the immortal ice king shouted as he appeared in the molten carven but he was reduced to the size of a human.

"Because moving towards the light sounds to good to be true" I said and I thought

'he won't have trapped me here if he didn't have an advantage' I moved in high speeds as I extend Hellsling and swinged it.


<-100 Damage done to opponent>

'What does the system mean by - ' I thought as I saw the condensed ice golem king split into two.

"Whaa" I struggled to speak as both halves of the golem turned to full ice king golems.

"Give up you've already lost" the both king golems roared as ice spikes appeared from the sky to strike our precious hero.

A shard sliced by cheek as I put on a <Mana shield> to protect me from the other pointy ice shards.

They all broke once they got hit my Mana shield but my Mana shield started to crack slowly like glass but the main problem was the ice shards were endless.




I was ricocheted off the ground as I got pushed with tremendous force until I stopped by the rocky melting cavern wall.

<-20,000 Damage done to player (Infinity stopped critical) >

"Owww.....so your finally going to help" I said whining and groaning in pain from this fight.

" How Else would you win without me " Infinity said in a new voice that held infinite power before I knew it I was bathed in a red energy.


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