Immortality Problems

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Time to due- error battle.

'<Observe>' I mentally said not coming close to this ferocious site.

Name:Ice Emperor

Age:3 Seconds.

Title:King of Ice Carven,Infinity Mutant.


Ability:Ice Manipulation,Regeneratation and False Immortality









This is no king Boi this is an Emperor.

'Oh Shit' I thought as I take a step back.


'Well thank you for pointing it out' I thought as I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"What so scared you wanna poop your pants" The Ice Emperor laughed so hard.

I ignored him as my body glowed due to me using <Aura Embodiment> The Upgraded skill of <Aura Reinforcement> summoning my <Potential Armor>(Hellsling Combat Gear) and also equipping <Hellsling> .


Name:Jackson Vendel (Hyodyo)



Title:Worthy,Spiritual Survival,Huntsman In Training


Sacred Gear:Infinity











SP/Spending Point:0

'It seems this upgrade <Aura Embodiment> increases my power by 5 Points' I thought as I use <Teleportation> to appear ahead of it.


<100 Damage done to opponent(opponent DEX is too high)>

"What the hell" I said as the golem only roared as it's sonic scream slammed me into rocks.

<1,000 Damage done to User[ Opponents STR Overpasses Users Luck]

'One Roar one damn roar' I thought as I shook my head.

"Haaa" Natsu jumped in with a fireball that is just pathetic.

<Ice Shards> appeared from thin air making an <Ice Shield> In front of the golem blocking the fire.

"Hahaha...Pathetic" The golem laughed as the <Ice Shield> moved forward like a planet spirally downwards breaking the earth below.

Team Natsu were pushed outside by the collision of the blast.

"Take this you overpowered bag of ice...<FU DOH RAH> " I made the handsides and created the circle quickly before firing it out.

"Huh" the ice Emperor turned back seeing the huge wave of heat coming towards him.

<15,000 Damage done to opponent>
An Explosion no a nuke exploded clearing Team Natsu Members to the floor even I was stunned by my own attack.

"Hahahah...." A Sick Laughter broke the icy cold air.

It was the Ice Emperor half of his icy body was just non existent.

"Dammit I forgot about it's Immortality"

"I have learned....for it is through you I will achieve true Immortality" The Ice Emperor made out a hardy laugh as his nonexistent body started regenerating.

"Hmph" I made a fighting posture as before his wound could finish regenerating I <Teleportation> to his face.

*Whack* *Whack* *Slam*

I used Hellsling to expand to the size of his hand(Pillar) and whack it making the golem stumble.

But I didn't stop their another swing breaking it's jaw then I did a flip and smashed the Ridiculously long pole on his head causing it to crack.

<1,000 Damage done to opponent +2,000 Combo>

"Grrr" The Golem Roared as in blinding speeds(thanks to agility) swung it's pillar like hand.

As it hit me I was send tumbling to some trees.

<6,000 Damage done to user>

"Dammit" I cursed out holding my broken ribs but I was interrupted by a large thud.

The golem appeared before me completely unscathed or even scratched.

"Screw you" I said as I <Teleportation> Above it and slam Hellsling again but it didn't flinch.

"Hahaha....Same trick won't help you" The Mutant's mouth opened up and that was the last thing I saw before it all went black.

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