Jack Vs Eric

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"Oh hey man" I say as I scratch my neck.

"Who are you I thought I am meant to fight the Yeti Lords" Eric said as he prepared his Warhammer.

"Well I wanted you to train me" I say as Eric looks at me Suspiciously.

"How do I know that your not the Masked Man" Eric said as he took a step forward.

"I don't know how don't I know that your not the masked man" I say but he moves another step.

'Damn...Time for me to use my new [skill] '


Makes the user's body like an RPG Video game there is no need to sleep and the user's Pain is reduced.

Makes the User's Mind to be calm and relaxed emotionless and no pity in killing also see's through Illusions.

Observe is a basic Gamer skill that is used to Observe he/she's Opponent to check his/her Status.

Any Food you make will be better the more this skill is leveled.

The ability to shape and manipulate Mana the more it us levelled the more better or sturdy the Item or attack will be.
I Open my hand and feel the Mana leave my body as it reduces and condenses into a ball.


New Skill Created!!!
Mana Sphere:Condense your Mana into a Ball
30 MP Per Ball.


[Due to learning something without the help of the system user has been given +1 INT]

As the ball stays in my hand Eric was shocked but then charged at me.

I throw the Mana Sphere at him he barely dodges it.

"So your an Arch Mage" Eric says as he lifts the Warhammer at me.

"No" I say as I dodge it but the force of it hitting the ground made me stumble.

"What do you mean" Eric says as he swings it straight to my head.

"I am like you" I say as I dodge the swing and backflip back.

I Summon the Iron sword I was given and grabbed it by the hilt.


Skill has been learnt.

Basic Swordsmanship
Learn the art of swinging a rusty old blade at your opponent at Max it will Evolve to Advanced Swordsmanship.

'Hmmm....a Master Vs a Novice, what could go wrong' I thought as I charged at him with the Iron sword.

"You know you won't win" Eris said as the edge of my blade and the hilt of his Warhammer clashed together.

"Not planning on" I say as I do a backflip kicking Eric on the Chin but he isn't a bit fazed.

'He might be able to Squash me like a Bug but I created him I know all his weakness and strength'I thought as he then proceed to do something monstrous.

"Fireball" Eris said as the three burning flames went straight to me.

'They do One thousand Damage and I only have 100 Health' I thought as I put my SP Points on Vitality.

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