Hanging with the gang and mastering Rasengan

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"So I guess you'll stay there for the after school periods" Rias said as she pointed to a club room at the end of thee hallway.

"And there for mission briefings" Rias pointed to the abandoned church close to the school.

"Sure" I said as I started walking to my classroom door closing my eyes using <Meditation> to gather mp <Regeneration> to heal my wounds and I activated my <One-toume Sharigan> to guide me where to go.

As I walked down the long hallway I made a tiny <Rasengan> in my hand but I was stopped by a shocking announcement.

<Rasengan(Manga) is evolving to Rasengan(anime)>

Description:This Rasengan is the Main and improved Rasengan following the actions of Naruto Shippuden and it has sub-skills.

Giant Rasengan(Unlocked)

Rasengan Barrage(Unlocked)

Oodamu Rasengan (Unlocked)


Planetary Rasengan (locked)

Planetary rasenshuriken

????????? Rasenshuriken

'Great I have been wondering about those' I think as I open the door to the classroom finally opening my eyes and disabling <One-toume Sharigan> .

"As you know class we have a new student today" the teacher said instructing me to introduce myself.

"Well my name is Jackson Hyuduo...well that's all I guess" I said as I walked to take a seat but was interrupted by the teacher.

"Students any questions" the teacher said as all the girls raised up their hand.

"You said you surname was Hyuduo are you related to that pervet over their" a girl said pointing to Issei who he and his friends were secretly discussing about the new release of their lewd magazine.

"Yeah...unfortunately" i said as I shook my head.

Whispers were heard like
"I never knew Issei had a brother"" Not another Pervet""Who knew Issei's brother was so Hot"

I nearly blushed at the last whisper but <Gamer's Mind> prevented me from it.

"I just what to make a clear sentence I am not a pervet" I said as all the girls stopped whispering and had hearts in their eyes.

I think I said the wrong sentence.

This is going to be a long day.


"Jackson I need to talk to you" Infinity said for the thousandth time but I just ignored it.

'You lied to me constantly and created giant crazed monsters to kill me' I calmly said through the mind link because of <Gamer's Mind> if not I would be spamming with anger.

'Just listen to me' infinity's calm voice echoed through the mind link.

"Fine" I sighed as I gave in and stopped walking.

"Thank you....the reason why I set those tests was becaus-" Infinity said as he suddenly stopped.

<Asia is in grave danger and Issei has foolishly followed her>

"I already knew this would happen" I said as I summoned my Hellsling attire which was still in rips.

"Dammit" I said as I unsummoned it and then summoned Hellsling alone.

I Shot to the sky's using <Flight> I activated my <One toume Sharigan> but I got a report.

<Due to Constant use of Sharigan,user has gained a title 'Sharigan User'>

<Because of user's title One-toume Sharigan has evolved to two-toume Sharigan>

'Awesome' I said as another pupil appeared in my red eyes making it looking like a diagonal line of pupils.

"This is so rad" I said as I boosted in <Flight> as I zoomed and landed right at the middle of the church.


I stood up slowly as I saw that Issei had arrived he was looking at Raynare who was about to complete the removal if Asia's sacred gear.

As poor Asia was tied to a cross.

A lot of nuns dressed in black and black holding katannas and UZIs ran towards Issei.

I blasted a <Explosive Mana Orb> right at them as it exploded creating a whole lotta smoke.

"Issei,you take Raynare I take the Corrupt Nuns" I said as Issei nodded and ran to Asia.

"Time for some fun" I cracked my knuckles as my <Two Toume Sharigan> lighted up.

<Two Toume Sharigan>Mana(1,000 per minute)Health(2,000 per five minutes) LVL:2%/100
Description:the Ancient Evolved Kekkai Genkai of the Uchiha clan you are now able to predict moves faster and copy some attacks.

I dodged a bullet coming at me with my agility but more came damn I forgot they had UZIS.

"<Mana Shield>" I said as shield of pure Mana protected me from their bullets.

Then I added the affinity Fire into the <Mana Shield> thanks to my <Flame Manipulation> .

The Shield turned into a blazing red and orange fire shield.

"<Mana Shield> Extend" I said as I pushed the <(Fire)Mana shield> forward making it destroy any nun in it's path.

Burning them alive.

I made a <Rasengan> in my palm and threw it to the last nun standing whose nun clothes were burned to black.

It landed in her stomach as she screamed but in no avail I pierced through her and instantly killed her.

Her dead body dropped to the cold icy floor and landed next to her ashy companions.

I looked sideways to see Issei with Boosted Gear Second Liberation and he told Rias who has surprisingly come so fast to kill Raynare.

"<Giant Rasengan>" I said as I made a Shadow Clone using <Shadow Clone jutsu> who created a <Rasengan> while running as I also created my own <Rasengan> our <Rasengan's> joined creating a <Giant Rasengan> which we both pushed as it pierced Raynare.

But it was so strong it carried Raynare straight to the moon.

<Issei's relationship points Increase>

<Rias relationship points increase slightly>

"I guess that's over" I said as we all look to the moon where a blue star shined greatly.

Probably my <Rasengan>

I'm sure Raynare is having a great Time.

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