Fight!!! Fight!!! FIGHT!!!!!!

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Ezra used her Telekinesis to send all the Swords at me.

But I Just use <Flame Barrier> to protect myself like Jiren.

"Your Wasting your time" I said as I blast <Mana Bombs> at Them.

"So your a Mage" Ezra said Dodging some <Mana Bombs> Then she used her sword to cut one In half as it Exploded it did her nothing.

"You can call me a Battle Mage" I said as I use <Teleportation> to Appear face to Natsu then punch him on the Cheek.

"Oh come on Salamander I thought you were stronger" I said as I give Natsu a Barrage of Punches.

"I Am Strong" Natsu said as he dodged a punch from me and punched me in the chest making me stumble.

As Ezra was Coming close I use a <Power Ball> to hit her sending her flying back.

<-2,000 Damage done to Ezra Scarlet>

"You'll Pay" Natsu said as he punched me straight in the face.

<-500 HP Removed by Natsu Dragoneel>

"Now that actually Stung" I said as I kneel Natsu in the Stomach.

<-200 Damage done to Natsu Dragoneel>

Then I put a Ball of Electricity in his stomach as it explodes.

<-300 Damage done to Natsu Dragoneel>

"Agh" Natsu said as he stumbled back before he could move I use <Teleportation> to appear to him the held him up by his neck.

"You know this was the same position I held a villager in before he died" I Taunted as for a Second Natsu used his Dragon slayer Magic and I was pushed back.

<-1,000 Damage done to user(Luck Saved you from Critical)>

Then I was it in the back of the Head sending me through a boulder.

<-500 Damage done to user>

"Really" I said as I stood up dusting myself Ezra had gotten up.

Then I smirked Devishly, I Used <Ninjutsu> Lightning Style to hit them,they were both sent back.

<-1,000 Damage done to Natsu Dragoneel and Ezra Scarlet>

I then opened my Palm as the Hell's Judgement orb was still there.

"Your Gonna be knocked out anyway" I said as I threw <Hell's Judgement> Straight at Them before it hit they were protected by Water.

Then Gray appeared unfortunately for me the lightning went around the water barrier not hitting those inside.

"Oh Come on I have been saving that attack since" I said Disappointedly.

Grey launched Water Lances at me.

"Hey don't he angry" My <Flame Barrier> Flared up turning the water to smoke.

Then Happy Appeared from nowhere blasting me with Areal Magic.

"Wow you two are an Amazing Team" I Commented but it only made Grey frown and start sending more Water Lunges.

"OK you asked for it" I said as I fly to the skys adding <Aura(Outside)> for an Extra Badass looked.

"<Lighting Storm>" I Shouted as Lightning flew from the Skys making them go for cover.

Then I Sense something with my Neko <Sense> then I tilted my Head right and dodge a blade.

It was Ezra using Telekinesis to fly and throw weapons at me.

"You Know your not smart" I said as I dodged another blade.

"Just give up" I say as she kept on throwing them at me.

I Sigh as I use <Teleportation> to appear to her face then I use <Aura(Reinforcement)> in my hand then punch her gut hard.

<-3,000 Damage done to Ezra Scarlet>

But she didn't give up and use her Blade to Slash me in the Eye.

"You Bitch" I said as I got pushed back holding my eye.

Ezra thought she would get lucky and tried to slash me again.

But I Use my <Light Manipulation> to Blind her as she stumbled back.

"FUS!" I Said as I create a Hoop of light,cover it in Mana then Reinforce it with Fire.

I Used the <Lightning Storm> to send lighting so no one will interfere.

"DO"I said as I turn the hoop like at steering wheel with two fingers from each hand.

"Noo"Natsu said as a blast of fire destroyed my Lightning in two then hit me in my injured eye.

I Got pushed back.

<-2,000 Damage done (-50 HP per Second)

"THAT'S ENOUGH" A huge voice echoed as I look to see Markov.

"Oh hello there" I said as I landed on the ground putting a Bandage on my Bleeding Eye.

"I'LL TAKE CARE OF THIS" Markov said still in his Original form.

"OK" I said as I started floating in mid air.

"Master Markov he is stronger than he shows" Ezra said as she finally landed down but Markov only chuckled.

"Of Course he Damn is I Summoned him" Markov said making everyone scratch the necks thanks to <Gamer's Mind> my face was still neutral.


<Healing Magic has been gifted>

Healing Magic:LVL 1/100(0%)
Awww did little baby get an injury,well fear no more no need to call the Ambulance.


Secret Quest(Completed)
Defeat the Fairy Tail Guild or stall them to Markov comes.

+1 Explanation
+10 SP Points
+10,000 XP.

Inability to use your muscles

Markov then shrunk down.

"I Sent him to help us" Markov said as I was using my <Healing Magic> on my Arm.

"What" Everyone except me,Ezra and Markov said at once.

"Well this was nice" I said as I started to fly away.

" won't be able to leave until you complete the summon" Markov said with a smirk making me stop.

"Seriously Man" I said angrily.

"Seriously" Markov said smirk not leaving his face as I only felt more annoyed.

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